April / May CSUSA Group Buy

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Apr 2, 2010
Bowie, MD
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to the May CSUSA Group Buy. Please read this post in its entirety before you choose to participate. Please pay specific attention to the new IAP insurance declaration policies as well.

For this buy, my goal is to have everything done and ordered by Thursday, April 29th.

The Specifics

This buy is focused on obtaining the maximum kit quantity discount of 25% plus the CSUSA "club" discount which is now 10%. The buy is limited to 10 participants and a minimum purchase of 10 Artisan kits is required. I may extend the number of participants, so even if there are 10, please check in if you're interested.

The buy will be open from the time of posting until 9:00 PM EST on Monday, April 27th, or until I close it. I may close it early if I have 10+ participants. I will do my best to provide all payment totals by the end of Tuesday the 28th. Payment via PayPal (Friends and Family is acceptable) will be required by Midnight EST on Wednesday Saturday the 21st.



  • Agree to purchase a minimum of 10 Artisan Kits.
  • PM me your request including your real name and your email address.
  • Must have a US shipping address
  • Reply to this thread including your choice regarding any additional insurance. (Just post "insure for value" if that's what you want.)
  • New: In your reply in the thread you must state whether or not you want insurance. Additionally on the spreadsheet, you must indicate the same.
My email (and PayPal) address is echo4golfpens@gmail.com. Please indicate your NAME and IAP USERNAME on all payments and correspondence. I will email you to confirm receipt of your order.

There is a block at the top of the spreadsheet. It requires:

  • Your IAP screen name
  • Your "real" name
  • Your email address - PayPal and regular correspondence, if they are different
  • Your mailing address
  • Insurance Selection (Delete the row that you do not select. I know: that sounds a bit counter-intuitive. You'll get it as soon as you see the spreadsheet!)
If these fields are not filled out accurately, the spreadsheet will be returned to you!

• Spreadsheet must be returned by Monday, April 27 (9:00 PM – EST) (Preferably sooner!)
• PayPal payment (Friends and Family is acceptable) by Wednesday, April 29 (Midnight – EST)

I will be placing the order by Thursday, April 30. If you have not made the PayPal payment by the deadline scheduled above you will be removed you from the buy. I will confirm your total via email as well as my PayPal information once I receive your order back. Please do not sign up and then not follow through in a timely manner.

Will be defaulted to published USPS Small flat rate box of $5.95. It will include tracking and delivery confirmation. If you are ordering larger quantities or larger items (blanks, etc), an estimate should be made by you – and I will double check – to use a larger flat rate box. I'll give you my best estimate on shipping once you place your order, and we'll go from there. Large items that will not fit in any flat rate box may be possible, but shipping method and costs will have to be agreed upon before the order will be placed.

For the 25% discount, we need to reach a 100 kit minimum from the Artisan kits only. Apprentice kits are allowed on the order, but are not expected to reach quantity discount levels, though the overall 10% discount will apply. The extra 10% discount is based on the total order dollar amount. Prices of kits were spot-checked for this posting, but you may should check your items prices on the CSUSA web site to verify. Please let me know if you find something that innaccurate and I will pass the word!

I believe the spreadsheet is accurate, but will not make up any differences if I have mistyped or transposed numbers. If you find any discrepancies in the spreadsheet, please contact me ASAP! I will confirm your total via PM with appropriate discounts after all order sheets have been returned to me.

Special spreadsheet notes in red:

  • PSI Bolts have their own quantity discounts and only mix/match with other PSI Bolts. I will adjust the discount and advise you of the new total.
  • Razors have their own quantity discount. I will adjust the discount and advise you of the new total.
If you are interested in ordering something not listed on the spreadsheet, please Email or PM me first. I'll try and accommodate but no guarantees.

I have not reviewed with CSUSA for what items are in or out of stock. I will do so when the order is submitted. Backorders will not be made and payment for any items on backorder will be refunded to you.

I do not require that you pay for insurance but I highly recommend it. I will not be responsible for what happens to your order after it leaves my control. You will receive confirmation of shipping, but once it has left my hands I am not responsible for it. If you desire insurance then please indicate that at the top of the spreadsheet and verify the calculated amount at the bottom. I will PM to verify and cost adjustments that are made. I recommend insuring your shipment for the FULL retail value of your order! Note – the calculation on the spreadsheet only uses your discounted order value.

The attached spreadsheet will calculate your total cost for pens including both the 25% on Artisan kits and the 10% discount from CSUSA. Other discounts that might apply will be applied after all orders have been submitted to me. The total cost of the buy must exceed $1000 after the 25% discount is applied in order to qualify for the additional 10%. If we do not exceed the $1000, it may be necessary to reopen the buy, but I do not anticipate this to be a problem.

I have also rounded up the PayPal fee to 4.0%. Your PayPal fee may be less than what you pay, and this difference will be refunded. Once all payments are received and accounts settled to my satisfaction, I will issue PayPal refunds for any over-payments. I'll try to get as close to even as possible – anything less than $1.00 will not be refunded.

Please complete your order within the spreadsheet. Before you return the spreadsheet to me by email – change the excel file-name as follows:

Please feel free to Email or PM me with any questions or concerns.



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Group Buy

Hello Jerry

Please count me in on this group buy and Agree to purchase a minimum of 10 Artisan Kits.
I will also take insurance for value of order.

Hello Jerry

Please count me in on this group buy and Agree to purchase a minimum of 10 Artisan Kits.
I will also take insurance for value of order.

Please count me in, I will purchase a minimum of ten artisan kits, and insure for the whole amount.
I know I'm not in the first 10, but if there's still room, I'd like in. I would take the insurance.

status report: 4/24 AM

Good Morning All!

It looks like we're up to eight or nine participants. I've replied to all who pmed me. If you've posted on the thread but not sent the pm, please do so ASAP. I'll post an updated status this evening.

Quick update: I'll post specifics tomorrow but werenot full yet. If you haven't PMed me yet, please do so ASAP. I've got two or three sheets back already and even on payment. More inthe AM.

status report: 4/25/2015

We have 15 people who have expressed interest. Of those nine are "in" and I have six spreadsheets returned. Please note that the rest need to share some additional information (see below) before they are in. At this point there's still room for more. I'm not feeling too cramped yet and I'll let it go to at least 15 completely in before I close the buy.



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Last edited:
Hi Gang! Apologies for being out of touch. Yes, we're still happening. Unexpected work issues cropped up on Monday. Update as follows:

I'lll post and updated list after I send out invoices this evening. Basically though, everyone who has asked in in. There's still room between now and tomorrow morning to join, but I will need any outstanding spreadsheets no later than 9AM tomorrow morning.

There are a couple of folks having issues with the spreadsheet. I don't know why but if you want to send me an order, I'll fill out the sheet and forward and invoice your way.

status report: 4/30/2015

Hi folks,

I closed the buy to new members this afternoon. There are 12 confirmed members and one late add that I've not heard back from yet. Invoices for all went out within the last hour or so. Payment by tomorrow midnight EST please. I will check my numbers and place the order Monday morning.



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Hey Jerry, quick question. Why is a PayPal fee added to my invoice if I'm paying "Friends and Family"? Thanks.
He told me I could subtract it from the total if I payed F&F, but I went ahead and paid it for the protection with paypal, insurance sort of.
As noted, you can subtract it or i'll refund it. F&F caught me by surprise the first time I did one of these but if PayPal doesn't care, I don't!

Hey Jerry, quick question. Why is a PayPal fee added to my invoice if I'm paying "Friends and Family"? Thanks.
Status report: all payments are in save one late invoice (my fault.) I'm going to email the list our the CSUSA momentarily and will forward the payment as soon as they confirm pricing.

Status Report:

The order should ship today folks. There were a handful of price changes, some back-orders, and two no-longer-available items. I'll post shipping information as soon as I get it.
Status Report: As of 8:53 this morning, our package was out for delivery! I'm traveling this weekend so, assuming it's delivered today, I'm going to try to get everything packaged and shipped, and settlement sheets emailed tonight and tomorrow.

We'll see how that works out...

It has begun!

The box: she is in! Let the unpacking and counting begin.


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Getting closer...

Just about ready to double check, do the settlement sheets, and seal the boxes... Just as soon as I figure out where the pesky leftovers go!


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I was traveling again this weekend, visiting my in-laws as Mom is now in hospice care. Although not entirely unexpected, it's rough on the family, so we're all pitching in.

Anyway, I see one package delivered already and the rest for today. Does anyone still want a tracking number? I'll try to get the settlement sheets and refunds out this evening. If you don't mind waiting until you've checked you order in, I'd rather just do it once. Let me know if you need it done immediately. Also, it will help me if you check your order sooner, rather than later.

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Got mine, wish I would have known 10 of the 30 kits were back-ordered/discontinued. Not your fault Jerry, but disappointing. Everything listed on the sheet was there, thanks again for running the buy Jerry.
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