Anyone planning a Group Buy in the near Future?

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I might be willing to conduct a CSUSA group buy. I need to final out my spreadsheet for the Timberwolf order and then I'll look into it.
What are the guidelines for a group buy? For a place like CSUSA it would have to be on certain specific products right ? Aren't discounts only for x amount of the same exact kit?
Dan, here are the general guidelines that we have used in the past, but the leader will provide the actual guidelines for the buy.

This buy is focused on obtaining the maximum kit quantity discount of 25% plus the CSUSA "club" discount of 13%. This is a very limited buy. This buy is open to the first 10 respondents to this thread OR until xxxxxxx at 11:59 P.D.T., whichever occurs first.

• There is a minimum purchase of 10 Artisan kits AND you must be willing to work with the restrictions listed below.
• PM me to get in – first 10 in are in.
• Also reply to this tread so others know when the ten is met.
We should qualify for free shipping from CSUSA, but all the kits are shipped to the leader and the leader reships to each of us for a small fee (to cover expenses and paypal fees) plus postage and insurance if you want it. These are always a great deal and you will probably blow through your 10 kits before you can say "is anyone doing a group buy..?":biggrin: You will want to subscribe to this thread to stay in the loop, once open, the window closes pretty fast.:eek:

Oh, and we have the full Artisan line to buy from, mix and match, so we don't all have to agree on a kit and plating. Tubes and bushings are usually on the spreadsheet also.
Oh, and we have the full Artisan line to buy from, mix and match, so we don't all have to agree on a kit and plating. Tubes and bushings are usually on the spreadsheet also.

Thanks for that info. So Craft supplies opens up other options for groups like us buying (further discounts / mixing)?
They do indeed since they are a distributor they can offer mix/match terms.

Exotics hosted a Jr.Emp buy from Dayacom for us a few months ago. We did have tight restrictions on that since Dayacom had a significant MOQ per style, per plating.
I'm working on the group buy posting - when I get done it needs to go to Monty for approval. Hopefully I'll have it done and get his approval by this evening. I do need to check the previous spreadsheet to makes sure prices are current.

Start working on your orders.
Oh, and we have the full Artisan line to buy from, mix and match, so we don't all have to agree on a kit and plating. Tubes and bushings are usually on the spreadsheet also.

In that case, I'm definitely in. Is this the entire line, or just pen kits?
I am interested also. Any chance of increasing the max number of participants so I don't have to hover over my computer all night to get in?
I roughly count 15 in this thread that have expressed interest.

group buy thread is posted with instructions and spreadsheet - so I'm going to request that this thread be locked.

thank you!
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