Anybody know a good exterminator?

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May 10, 2011
Faith SD
I was feeling a little drowsy this morning and thought I would catch a quick nap, but with all the hustle and bustle in the Slimline Contest and Ball Point Contest areas I knew I'd have to find somewhere a little more quiet. So I headed over to the kitless area. It was perfect....complete silence, nobody around. So I kicked back and rolled the ole eye lids down and that's when it started. Chirp Chirp Chirp. And of course everytime I got up to find that cricket it would go silent. So I now I at a crossroad, do I get rid of the cricket or not? If I get rid of it, that pretty much eliminates any sighn of life in Kitless area, but if I do get rid of it I can take a peaceful nap.
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mark james

IAP Collection, Curator
Sep 6, 2012
Medina, Ohio
I've never had much success with crickets... They are pesky, sneaky, have beady little eyes. And vanish and go silent at the hint of life... They lurk in the dead zones of my basement.

Maybe smoke them out, I.e., burn a lot of kitless shavings. Hey George has some stinky blanks ava!!! :tongue:
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