Another one for the ladies

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Apr 26, 2005
San Antonio, Texas, USA.
The natives were a bit appeased byt hte two modified slimlines I made last week, but I got the feeling it wasn't enough. I had some thin scrap of this Inlace Acrylester laying around and decided to use it for a slim. I haven't tunred a traditional SL in about a year, so I thought I'd see what I could do. As usual, I let the material tell me what shape it wanted to be. GunMetal plating using 2 CBs ans 1 Fancy black chrome CB.


The only problem is that SWMBO saw it this morning and claimed it. And said, "Here, you can have this one back." as she handed me one of my homebrew PR 8mm Designers. I have some more of this thin stuff, so I think I'll just make another.
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Thanks, guys (edit: and Angela... slow typing is often my downfall)!

Not completely, Gerry. I'd have to have a transfer back to Texas fort that.

Unfortunately not, Dario, but I'm working on it.

BTW, this blank started out 3/8" x 1/2" for those interested. I know some have asked about the smallest blank size useable. My PHD vise makes using smaller blanks possible for everything I've tried so far.
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