Another Hawaii turner

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May 5, 2014
Hey, just started turning and new to the forum. I have a jet mini lathe that a friend of mine gave to me. Said he was never gonna use it and if I wanted it I had to supply him with beer. Twist my arm. It sat in my garage for about 4 months till another friend in North Carrolina started turning. I have been woodworking for a couple of years so I had a bunch of cut offs laying around. Some depot level repair guys were out to Hawaii from NC to help us fix a hard down airplane. Asked them if they could take some of those cutoff a back to my friend. In return for the wood, he sent me a .50 cal pen with curly, spalted koa that I had sent him. I thought that pen turning would be fun and that lathe was just chilling in the garage collecting dust.

So I did what any man in their right mind would do, Jump in head first. As of today I am about $600 into this new hobby. And I didn't even have to buy the lathe. But I am totally addicted. I have even brought the lathe with me to work.

After searching around the forums a bit, I have seen that there is so much more to turning out nice pens than slapping a blank on the lathe and making a mess.

Looking forward to turning for a long time to come. And to all the help and support I know I will find on this site.

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WOW, $600 into it already. You sure got off light. :biggrin:
Look on the brightside. Curly Koa is a lot cheaper for you.

Anyway, welcome from Little Rock.
Welcome from South Texas. Consider $600 to be merely a drop in the bucket! Look back at this thread in another three months and just smile :). Have a good one!

Thanks for all the welcomes...

Here is the 17th pen in a little over 2 weeks of turning pens. Little bit of Koa I had laying around the garage collecting dust. I made a matching mech pencil out of the same Koa. Sorry for the iPhone picture.


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Welcome to the madness. $600 in 2 weeks - ouch!

I'm in Kapolei and there's another couple of turners here in the Kapolei/Makakilo area.

Again thanks for welcoming me to the "vortex". I am definitely hooked.

After looking around the site and seeing some of the amazing pens you guys have made, I realize how little I know of turning pens. I have seen the pens made without a kit, and before I started I thought that it was all just one kit and you just put it together. Never realized the effort that goes into making something like that. I can't wait until I am able to make one of those.

I see a long future in this so called "hobby" (more like a fetish haha). I look forward to getting my 8 and 4 year old boys into it also. Nothing like sharing a "hobby" with your kids.
Welcome Travis. You've jumped in with both feet, now you have to keep going and hoping that you never hit bottom - just kidding. Enjoy the hobby and since there have never been 2 pens that have been turned EXACTLY alike you don't have to worry about copying someone else's work.
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