Another Closed-End, One-Piece Slimline

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Jan 11, 2012
Huntsville, AL
I had to try another one of these to make sure being able to do the first one wasn't a fluke. I made a major mistake on this one and parted off the end too short. The 'v' from the end of the drill bit poked through the end. I filled the hole with some red tinted epoxy. If you look straight at it in good light, it just looks like a slightly darker spot.

After I got it done, it just seemed too plain, so went back and added some turquoise inlay. Put it on a copper kit, but not sure if I like that or the silver better.

C&C welcome,


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If you hadn't said anything, I would have never noticed the darker spot...goes to show, we're our own worst critics:wink:

Actually like the two inlay strips...and the end 'cap'. Like to see what it'd look like with a gunmetal nib though.....

Scott (nope, t'was a fluke) B
I like to accent my OOOPes. I think an inlay of turquoise in the end would really have tied it together. But you did say the turquoise was an after thought. But really nice job.
Is this a twist SL? I know how to make one piece, closed end "Sierra" - Parker refill. But my SL closed end one piece doesn't retract as I couldn't figure out how to do that.

I think it's really beautiful. The design and accent bands make it look really nice!
Is this a twist SL? I know how to make one piece, closed end "Sierra" - Parker refill. But my SL closed end one piece doesn't retract as I couldn't figure out how to do that.

I think it's really beautiful. The design and accent bands make it look really nice!

The entire bottom tube is supposed to float free. Only the top one gets glued in.
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