Another Antler Pen

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Nov 13, 2004
Essex, Ontario, Canada.
Here's the pen I just finished to-day .
Deer Antler with a Blue Corian center band .
This one isn't quite as fat as my others but I found that you can't , really , get a pen to show the natural outer skin of the antler from a piece that's too big around so I turned this one smaller and without the outer skin


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Doug---you're doing a great job on the antler!!! I don't really like the corian myself (likely my own taste)---I really, really like the other centerband you used though!!!
For an interesting effect for a center band,drill through a piece of antler 90* from the way you drill the blank.
I use a tube in centebands,up to you,
mill it square turn,the same time as you do the pen.
second from left and second from right have cross grained center bands from antler.
I'm partial to antler pens but don't like to mix man-made with organic.
but that's just me.
Nice looking pen Doug. I agree with Tom, I like your other center band better. Does turning Antler require anything special that turning wood does not? Just curious because I've never turned any before, but I think it's time to try some. I like the looks.
Does turning Antler require anything special that turning wood does not?

Not that I'm aware of , or at least not that I've found out yet !![:D]
I've just been using all my regular tools and sanding and finishing methods .
As for using antler for center bands , I've got a blank all glued up for tomorrow and I'm going to try an antler center band for it . If it's a success I'll post it tomorrow , if it's a flop , you won't hear another word about it .[}:)][:D][:D]
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