And the Discussion went something like this,

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Aug 5, 2013
Sydney. NSW. Australia
Mere Male (me) – " Oh no, don't throw that out!" :mad:
SWMBO (wife) – "What do you want that for? Haven't you got enough Junk already?" :confused:
Mere Male (me) – " I can use it!". :wink:
SWMBO (wife) – "When are you going to clean up your Workshop, and get rid of all that Junk?" :at-wits-end:
Mere Male(me) – "I am working on it, I have got to make a hole, dig a clear space so that I can sort out all the items into logical groups, so I can then determine where it can go, based on it's size and usage." :wink:
SWMBO (wife) – "I know where it all can go, into a Waste Skip, then to the Tip!" :)
Mere Male (me) – silent thought "I am not going to win this; I retreat, into the Garage, with the Item under my Arm". :eek:

I do not believe that I am Unique, I believe that many of you will have trod a similar path, so I put my case for your consideration I present just three Items that over recent time have been the subject of the above dialogue.

Was the result worth the Trouble - You please be the Judge! :biggrin:

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Photo 1 - A Plastic Container, previously contained Kleenex Wet Tissues.

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Photo 1.1 – The Kleenex Box with the pull-out lid open.

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Photo 1.2 – The Kleenex Box, with the Main Lid Open, showing the New Contents, namely two sets of Abranet Abrasive , in ascending order from 120 Grit to 600 Grit, with the Abranet Interface Pad.
This is placed on my lathe bed, to the right of the Tail Stock.
As a Grit is used or passed over, they are placed abrasive face up on the open lid, so that they maintain the correct position when turned over a put back in the Box.
The reverse side is upper most so that the Grit size print is visible.
As Abranet is my preferred Basic Abrasive, I take this box with me when I demonstrate, or when I am working at the Men's Shed, on my own work.

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Photo 2 – A Tin Box, previously contained Harrods's English Breakfast Tea Bags

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Photo 2.1 – Harrods Tea Bag Box with Set of Micro Mesh in Ascending Order of Grit Rating from front to back,
The Tin stands where the Abranet was previously placed on the Lathe.
The Colour Guide is used as a Divider in front of the Pad with lowest Grit Size. I remove the Pads, from behind the Divider, and when completed, I place it in immediately in front of the Divider, so I am maintaining the correct ascending sequence of Micro Mesh Pads in the Tin.
When the last Pad is used, I return the Divider to the Front of the first Pad.

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Photo 3 – A Round Tin, previously contained Chocolate Cream Wafers.

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Photo 3-1 Round Tin with ply wood carrier to fit Round Tin, with 2.75" cloth backed Sanding Disc's from 180 -2000 grit, for Velcro Bowl Sanding on Self Driven hand wheel.

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Photo 3-2 Showing the Carrier fully retracted from Round Tin, This carrier is made with a No Roll bar on the lower edge.

Leaving it all aside, I hope that my use of junk may give you an idea on what you can also do, if you should feel the desire or the need.
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Wives often lack "vision". They see trash or junk where husbands see something that might come in handy some day. I save used food containers that might be used as molds for resin. I have used cottage cheese containers for making a colored pencil/resin boxes. Unfortunately, my shop is so full of collected things that I cannot find anything when I need it.

On the other hand, my wife likes things tidy and organized. She sees things that really should go into the trash bin that I have trouble letting go. She can often find things that I am looking for.

You made good use of those items and that round goes to you.
Scary but I use all 3 containers in my shop to "contain" supplies and keep things organized. Thank God that my wife does not step in the shop and therefore does not complain to things that she does not "see". My advise is keep her out and therefore avoid any potential nagging.
So living in Upstate NY, chicken wings were a something that was consumed from time to time. My grandparents used Nance's Wing Sauce. They would use a hot and mild and mix them. Well that left a lot of jars like the one attached. My grandfather would put a screw in the top and have the jar hold screws or nails. Maybe I need to order some wing sauce....


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Brian, seems very logical to me and the use of "throw away stuff" was very cleever. I especially like the round tin and the carrier you made for the inside. My wife often offers me things she thinks I might be able to use. I use the excuse at times that I'm keeping it out of the land fill. Nice to see you back on line.- Tom
G'day! When my wife says something about my shop items, I remind her to count what she has in two closets- dresses, slacks, shoes, etc. End of conversation. Now that she is retired, she doesn't need most of them.
Well, gentlemen. When comes to those odd containers, storage and such my and I both review the to decide if I might have a use for them or if she might have a use for them, then who's use may make the most sense or have the greater need.

Sometimes I see stuff in her craft area and point out I could use that, sometimes she comes into my shop and will look for something she has a need for.

And, we have just started into our 32nd year of marriage as of 8:01 last night so it isn't something new.

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I think you were spot on Brian!

Thank you Keith, it is pleasant to receive support, if not just to reinforce, that I am not "alone", a "rare breed", a "nutter", or just a "Garbage Collector".
And I do enjoy applying objects for a use or purpose other than they were intended for, in particular when their new use is meaningful and utilitarian.
Kindest regards,
Wives often lack "vision". They see trash or junk where husbands see something that might come in handy some day. I save used food containers that might be used as molds for resin. I have used cottage cheese containers for making a colored pencil/resin boxes. Unfortunately, my shop is so full of collected things that I cannot find anything when I need it.

On the other hand, my wife likes things tidy and organized. She sees things that really should go into the trash bin that I have trouble letting go. She can often find things that I am looking for.

You made good use of those items and that round goes to you.

Ah Cody, for several years now, I have thought that we were somewhat "Kindred Spirits", but also now with your Description of your wife's preferences, It sounds just like Evelyn (my wife), though the motives and driving forces, may have a slightly different Stimuli, or Origin.
With my Beautiful Bride of 60 years, and my being an Octogenarian, she is now motivated by not only having a Spotless Home, with everything in it's place, Tidy Cupboards, Neat and Accessible, based on what will our "Children will think", after we eventually have fallen off the Perch, and they are required to empty the house, to liquidate the Estate, if they see "Hidden Clutter", and "Worthless Junk", and "How will they dispose of it". from my Workshop, and up in the Ceiling Space above the Garage (Workshop) :eek:
I keep telling her, "that will be part of their Inheritance". :laugh:
Thanks Cousin Cody,
Kindest regards,

Your kindred spirit comment is a great compliment. I can identify with Evelyn's concern. My mother is constantly freeing over those same concerns. I tell her there is no need to worry since it will not be her problem and her kids'and grandkids' will handle it.
Scary but I use all 3 containers in my shop to "contain" supplies and keep things organized. Thank God that my wife does not step in the shop and therefore does not complain to things that she does not "see". My advise is keep her out and therefore avoid any potential nagging.

Peter, I agree that in this situation "Ignorance is Bliss".
I wish that Evelyn would keep out of the Workshop, for the last 19 years, my Workshop (our Car less Garage) has been somewhat of a Danger Zone.
But that doesn't faze her, and regrettably, it is also where she stores some of her Household equipment, and those things that are not frequently used, e.g Cob Web Brushes, Telescopic Branch Loppers, etc, so she opens, the rear roller door, stands back and scans the entire "Workshop" including my UFO's, and Timber Stacks, and takes it all in.
Oh well "so be it". :rolleyes:
Kindest regards,
So living in Upstate NY, chicken wings were a something that was consumed from time to time. My grandparents used Nance's Wing Sauce. They would use a hot and mild and mix them. Well that left a lot of jars like the one attached. My grandfather would put a screw in the top and have the jar hold screws or nails. Maybe I need to order some wing sauce....

Thanks Ed
Unfortunately, I hardly have enough area to attach, screwed Jar Caps.
That is a great way to keep screws, and light nails, provided that you don't forget to put them back in their right place, or drop the Glass Jar onto the Concrete Floor.
To avoid the glass breakage, I have obtained, Plastic Jars with Screw Top Lids, and I was going to use "Capt Eddy Castelin's" method of a piece of Hook and Loop Tape, on the Lid and the Bottom to hold the smaller 2' and smaller Cloth Backed Abrasives, but I haven't yet found a suitable place to store them, so they are still in the cupboard.
Kindest regards,
Brian, seems very logical to me and the use of "throw away stuff" was very cleever. I especially like the round tin and the carrier you made for the inside. My wife often offers me things she thinks I might be able to use. I use the excuse at times that I'm keeping it out of the land fill. Nice to see you back on line.- Tom

Thanks Tom,
Seems like you have it made, you lucky man, Yes I am not on the site as frequently as before, I don't seam to have enough time, with every thing going on, and the frequent visits to our various medical appointment.
And unfortunately Evelyn doesn't drive now so I am the chauffeur, for both of us.
Kindest regards my friend.
I like to keep peanut Butter plastic jars

Hi Terry,
I built a long time ago, a Cupboard on Castor Rollers, to fit under my Bench, with 4 large Drawers to put my seldom used tool in, e.g. Hand Planes, Wrenches, etc, and at the two ends of this Rolling Cupboard, I put a Door, and Cupboard Shelves, to accommodate Peanut Plastic Jars, for Screws, Nails and other small items.
But I found out that there is a limit as to how much Peanut Butter a person can eat in a Life Time, and I reached that point, so I had share the Peanut Butter Jars, with Plastic Honey Jars, until I got tired of Honey.
Luckily I had filled the space, so I don't feel so bad.
The only problem right at this moment, is that I have stacked a quantity of Bowl Blanks that have been through the Band Saw, and are waiting their time on the Lathe, and they are blocking access to all my Peanut and Honey Jars, and their contents. :eek:
But when I get it Cleaned up and Tidy, "All Will Be Well Again".( that is until the next drama). :rolleyes:
Thanks for Sharing Terry,
Kindest regards my friend. :biggrin:
I'm a packrat, married to a packrat. There is no hope........

Well Sharon, it would appear that you have both the Best, and Perhaps the Worst of this phenomena.
At least you are both doing it, so it could become a joint project, or it could stimulate a competitive desire to prove who is the Biggest and Best Pack-Rat out of the two of you.
But knowing of the work you do with the Visually Challenged Turners, I am sure you are more than able to "Hold Your Own", and not let it interfere with the Harmony of your Married Life :eek:
Kindest regards, my friend.
Well, gentlemen. When comes to those odd containers, storage and such my and I both review the to decide if I might have a use for them or if she might have a use for them, then who's use may make the most sense or have the greater need.

Sometimes I see stuff in her craft area and point out I could use that, sometimes she comes into my shop and will look for something she has a need for.

And, we have just started into our 32nd year of marriage as of 8:01 last night so it isn't something new.

Firstly Mike, and your Good Lady, Congratulations, on your 32 Anniversary.
My wife and I will have our 61st on July 16.
It sounds like you have a near perfect arrangement regarding the using of containers , unfortunately the Love of My Life has reached a stage, where she wants to have a Clear and Clean Deck, all Ship Shape in Bristol Fashion.
Whereas this AB is still wired to Improved Utilization, and Adaption,
But all the Jostling and Banter is in the Best of Spirits, and neither of us would Encroach upon the others Domain.
Thank you for your contribution,
Kindest regards,
You guys are just too organized! :biggrin: Live a little, enjoy life! It's too short to be put in containers! :biggrin:

Thanks Hank for your contribution, I think that you had your tongue in your cheek, as you typed it.
I believe from the little I have read of your Background, Calling, Activities, and Ventures. That you would have to have been Well Organised, Physically, Mentally and Structurally.
Just the Time you spent in Japan, to operate effectively in that environment, where space is at a Premium, and Utilization is Paramount, you would have to have been well organised, and extremely conscious of what was required to function in that environment. :rolleyes: :biggrin:
Kindest regards,
Well done Brian . But you probably should be thankful that your wife`s collection of useful un-throw-outables doesn`t rival yours .

Thanks for your post Wayne,
Yes, I am grateful for all Small Mercies.
We do not seem to compete for the same items, most of "The love of My Life's items" Require Cupboards, and Wardrobes to house, whereas I am satisfied, with a Harrod's Tea Bag Tin. :rolleyes::laugh:
Kind regards,
Admirable up-cycling, Brian - all the while saving countless ocean animals from grisly choking deaths - you are a credit to our species.

Thank you Bob for your Kind words, that almost had me Painted as a Saint or a Missionary.
I am sorry, to report that Halo's don't seem to fit my Head, and I am not Particularly useful at Bearing a Cross.
I love your Up- Cycling reference, I hadn't considered it in that light, but yes, I would be pleased if more people looked at any item with a "What can I do with That" perspective.
Again, Thank you my Friend,:highfive:
Kindest regards,
This is classic Brian!

My wife has surrendered Last week she presented me with a thick plastic bag with a zipper; it was the packaging for some new bed sheets. She said, "Anthony, I saved this for you. Would you want this for your pen stuff?" I was shocked.
This is classic Brian!

My wife has surrendered Last week she presented me with a thick plastic bag with a zipper; it was the packaging for some new bed sheets. She said, "Anthony, I saved this for you. Would you want this for your pen stuff?" I was shocked.

Hi Tony,
That is a Great Break Through.
But why did I think of "Beware of the Legendary Ones Bearing Gifts"?.
Not that for a moment am I suggesting that your Good Lady, had any Ulterior Motive than "to assist you".
It seems that you both have a great compassion for each other.
Which is the Base, on which a wonderful Marriage, is based and Built Upon
Kindest regards.
It seems that you both have a great compassion for each other.
Which is the Base, on which a wonderful Marriage, is based and Built Upon

You are a very perceptive man. Lori is a wonderful wife, mother, person....
Dated her since I was 15. Married 32 years.
Thank you.
Seems perfectly sane and even a bit ingenious to me. Of course I am neither of those, but I know it when I see it!

That is Great Jay,
Having an Instant Usage Recognition, I have to work on mine.

Mainly due to the Quantity and Variety, that are awaiting their Turn.
Some will fail and get lost in the process, but the Percentage is very small.
Quite a bit of "Trial and Terror" (originally started out at Error, but has developed into Terror).
The Terror relates to the amount of time to develop, then to find that it doesn't and won't work.
Kindest regards,
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