An accomplishment for me.

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Mar 31, 2008
Palatine, IL, USA.
I just found out in the mail today that I have been granted my 2nd patent for something I designed at work. I know that this isn't a big deal to alot of people but, it was one of my "life goals" to get my name on a patent. Now I have it on 2 of them.

Thanx for listening,
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You are a lucky one. Years ago, before I worked on my own, I designed 4 things that eventually were patented, but my employment contract clearly stated that anything I designed while in their employ, whether on my own time or not, patents and all other rights would pass to the company I was working for. Nothing for me but solitary satisfaction. :frown:
Thank you everyone, the bad/good thing about the patents is that the company gets all of the rights (and profits) but the good thing is that they make sure I get my name on as one of the inventors.

They are for retail security systems and components of the systems. if you are interested, use google patent search with my name it'll show them.
Congratulations on your second patent. I know how you feel about having a patent. I have an application pending with the US Patent office, but they are taking their ownn sweet time. Maybe someday they will get everything done and it will be issued. ANyway, congrats.:highfive::handshake:
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