American Bald Eagle

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Sep 1, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
I picked up this blank a few days ago. When I started assembling it, I was cursing like a sailor. :mad: The pieces wouldn't pop out of their blanks easily and I had to break a few pieces that were not supposed to get broken out. When assembling it, the directions were somewhat helpful, but it was still a pain to put together. I actually used a hammer to get the head in place. I had to sand one of the smaller pieces a bit. After it was all glued together and the tube was glued in, I thought I'd take it easy on the blank and sand the blank to size, as the directions suggested. No way! :frown: I got out the skew and turned it to size. Much easier. OK, now I'm getting happier. :) I sanded and finished it and here's the final product. Now I'm thinking of keeping it for myself and getting another blank to sell. Not sure yet.

This is my current favorite despite the earlier troubles.


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Nice looking pen Dan.

I do those the same way several suggested to me in here for assembling the Stars & Stripes pens - dip the pieces in a bowl of warm water before inserting them into the main body. They slip together *MUCH* nicer when wet. Then then let the whole thing dry overnight before flooding with thin CA to glue it all together.
Knowing what you know now about the blank....would you get the wallet out again?

Get looking finish on the blank that's for sure!

Scott (not enough hands) B
You did a great job. Glad to see you were able to conquer it and finish. The finish looks great! The entire pen looks good as well. I bought one of those for my friend's dad for his birthday last year. As far as I know, he hasn't turned it yet lol.
It looks like this pen proves what gramps told me many years ago … the greater the effort the greater the reward. Great looking pen.
That looks great. I have also found it helps to set the a piece in a best you can and then role the blank back and forth on a towel or something laid on the work bench. That helps work it into place. I enjoy putting the laser cup blanks together. It can be interesting.
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