Amazingly quick service from Penturners Products

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Mar 9, 2006
Reynoldsburg, Ohio, USA.
I placed an order for live and dead centers and a tool post from JohnnyCNC on 12/24. The shipment was in my mailbox on 12/26! I am totally surprised and pleased with the swiftness of this service.

Thanks, John!
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I meant to post the exact same thing. I placed an order for a bunch of things on Christmas Eve morning, and that afternoon got an email that it had been shipped. It was on my doorstep the 26th when I got back from Christmas celebrations out of town! I was pleasantly surprised and grateful for the extras you threw in the box as well! Excellent service and quality products all around!
Yep super service a joy to work with.He rushed a bushing order out after I lost one of mine in the shavings so that I could get some gifts done for X-mas.Thanks again for the great service sir,Victor
Thank you all for the kind words.
My philosophy is simple..treat you guys like I want to be treated.
That will never change.:)
Again, Thanks!
Me Too!

Put in an order on Saturday morning in betwen other stuff, and it pops through the door with the mail today! On Monday!
I'll add to the kudos. John was very helpful when I placed an order yesterday. Great up front service, with delivery as stated above, goes a long way to building loyalty.
I also placed an order with JohnnyCNC for a few items. I paid through paypal. Then a few hours later I get an email from him saying that he gives discounts to IAP members and will be refunding part of my payment! WOW, an unexpected and unasked for refund...can't beat that! Well, I guess you can beat it because I received the package in the mail today and it not only had perfectly constructed parts in that I ordered but a couple of "bonus", not that's going to make me spend even more money with him! DANG.

John must be standing right next to the inventory with a flat rate box in his hand. :biggrin: top quality products and service that good cant be beat. just my 2 cents worth. :glasses-cool::glasses-cool:
Adding to the pile . . .

What a coincidence! I was just going to start a post regarding John's great and lightning quick service; but alas! Here it already was!

I too ordered just a few days ago (after asking John many questions through PM's which he very quickly replied to). He gave me a great price, the products were great (I LOVE my new little 3 & 1/4 inch tool rest -- it's a beaut!) and his service is second to none.

Thanks John.

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