AAW Book Signing Pen

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Aug 18, 2004
Scottsdale, AZ
This is my donation pen for a book signing to be held at the Kentucky Museum of Art, during the AAW convention. The artist who are displaying there, are typically given a pen at the book signing.
Those of you who are going to the AAW convention should go check this thing out. Wish I could go to both, Provo & AAW [V]

This is another TRECTS pen only on a Jr. Gent, Black TI frame.
Thanks for looking, comments welcome [8D]


This is my display card for the pen.
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Very nice pen.

One question...is it really "Curly Popular"? I heard of Poplar but not Popular but I don't know a lot of wood.
He clearly didn't mean a species...he meant that it was a very popular, curly wood. Hopefully he'll let us know what it actually is...it's a beautiful piece of wood, and yet another example of Anthony's excellent craftsmanship!
Originally posted by Dario
<br />
One question...is it really "Curly Popular"? I heard of Poplar but not Popular but I don't know a lot of wood.

Dario, it would not be a Turchetta original if the spelling were correct.[:p]

Thanks Dario, I was feeling pretty good till I saw your post [V]
Yet, just another Penchetta blunder [:D]
I like Jim's & Peter's reasoning better [:D]

I normally let these things go but since it will have major exposure, I thought I would bring it up...hope it is not too late to have things re-printed (if need be).
Originally posted by Dario
<br /> ..hope it is not too late to have things re-printed (if need be).

Gone & sent out last week, Oh well, just give them something else
to talk about, besides wood & turning [:eek:)]
Weeeelllll since we're picking on Anthony [;)] the zero for 20th anniversary appears to be a lower case "o" instead of a zero 0, but again, it could have been done that way on purpose.
Really not picking, just something I saw.

BTW the pen is AWESOME!
It is a good "hook" or conversation topic. I bet you most will be wondering where you got the wood and how they miss a good variety LOL.

You will have so many inquiries about it after the signing so get ready [}:)][;)].
I feel strange jumping in here but the card for the pen leaves me with a question.
Is this the 20 th anniversary or the (follow me now) the 2 otah anniversary. The fact that the second character in the 20 is a different size seems like a typo, but than again I rank as one of the worst spellers around.
Good eye Jerry, I believe your right ! [xx(]
Glad the proof reader got paid the same I did for this pen,
or I would have fired his ass [:D]
What's that Ol saying "what do you expect for free"

Thanks for the comments.
You are an INCREDIBLY good sport!!!!

The pen is great, and the website is spelled right (I hope-it is.us???), so much for the important things!!!
Originally posted by ed4copies
<br /> and the website is spelled right (I hope-it is.us???), so much for the important things!!!

Ed, I was starting to get such a complex, I looked at my name about 5 times to see if I got it right [:D]

In my defense, I posted this sample card to another group and nothing was said about it. So they are either a politer group [:D] or as sharp as me [;)]
Originally posted by PenWorks
<br />...I posted this sample card to another group and nothing was said about it.

Now I am hurt [;)]...what are you doing showing this off somewhere else ahead of time?! [:D][}:)]
Well Anthony I am going to say it is very beautiful pen , it looks more like a pretty piece buckeye burl than poplar.You do not have to win a spelling bee to turn wonderful pen like you do.
Originally posted by reed43
<br />Well Anthony I am going to say it is very beautiful pen , it looks more like a pretty piece buckeye burl than poplar.You do not have to win a spelling bee to turn wonderful pen like you do.

That IS a beautiful pen! I th0ught it was buckeye, t00. Th0ugh buckeye <u>is</u> a m0re p0pular w00d. [;)]
Spellin...SPELLIN...We don neeed no stinnnnking spellin! Not when you got a pen like that!!!!It's a real beauty Anthony!!!!!
Anthony, you just need someone like me to read your stuff first- I've actually been un-invited to serve on a policy making/writing committee at work because they got tired of me pointing out typos and grammar and spelling mistakes. And just yesterday, when I pointed out some spacing errors on a meeting agenda, my boss took my agenda away from me so I couldn't find any more mistakes. [:D]

Just go find your nearest psychologist- everyone in my department thinks it's a psychologist trait, so there's got to be one near you.

The pen is perfect though!
Angela, there you go talking shrink again, I am still waiting for the white jacket you said you were going to make me. [:D]

Bruce, no extra charge for the ripples, the pen is a donation.

Gary, are you going to the AAW ? If you win a ONEWAY lathe, give me a call, I hear they have 4 bigs ones being given away. [:p] Are you going to demo turning your cedar tree stumps [:D]

Thanks for the comments on this poplar pen.
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