A useful reject...

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Marc Phillips

Jun 1, 2004
Columbus, GA, USA.
This reject sure did come in handy when I wanted to try this...

Glad I kept it!

I used this cigar to practice with a couple of things... but the main thing was to get the flowers on there and the finish smooth so you cannot feel the flowers... it is totally smooth.... Ta Da!

Too bad the dork turning the pen had the bushings on backwards and was too lazy to use the calipers to check...

.... onward :)

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Originally posted by Radman
<br />You're not the last person who got the bushings mixed up on the cigar. I've done it plenty. Nice work otherwise!

I still don't know why I don't color code them or something....

Gotta go do that ...soon .... [:D]
I WISH I could paint like that! .... although I can paint a house pretty good [:D]

Those are rub on graphics... the "trick" is getting the CA over them and then getting the whole thing smooth [:D]

.... actually wasn't too tough [:p]

I guess I will have to go find the calipers... can't believe I still can't find them... they are usually right in the same place all the time... hmmmm ... musta needed them for something somewhere else...

Thanks all....
I guess I will have to go find the calipers... can't believe I still can't find them... they are usually right in the same place all the time... hmmmm ... musta needed them for something somewhere else...

Thanks all....
If it's like around my house the wife moved them. I leave it where I know where it was and she says I left it laying in the middle of the house and I can't find it again. I think she has a secret stash of my tools somwhere.
Love those flowers! I never thought about using transfer graphics, those are nice and thin. I do a lot with holographic scrapbooking stickers, and they're a real pain to cover with CA due to the thickness.

Nice work! No worries about the bushings, I've got a few wonky cigars myself! [:)]
Originally posted by doddman70
<br />Very nice !!!!where do you get the labels and what are they called?


I don't know... got them at Hobby Lobby... they had a whole wall of these rub on graphics... sorted through them until I found some that looked small enough to fit on a pen...
No matter where you look for the calipers, I bet they are always in the last place you look ... always.

As far as the bushings ... get a mandrel and LEAVE them on it in the proper order when you are finished turning. Store them with the pen kit.

Neat paintings/decals. Great pen results. [:D]
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />Marc,

Nice painting! On the cigar bushings, I make 1 thru 4 slash marks on the ends of the bushings in the order I set them up on the mandrel.

Great tip on the bushings. That extra ram is really paying off [:D]
Looks very nice Marc sorry too here about your s----up, you could of cast it in pr any way never mind mate is down now, with my cigar bushes l put them on a 1/4 inch bolt in the right order. [:(][;)][:)][:D]
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