A test - Northern or Southern

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Lol! "100% Dixie- General Lee was your grandfather"

I hope they mean Lee the General in the Great War of Northern Agression --- AND NOT THE OFFICIAL GROUND HAWG!
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50% Dixie. Barely in Yankeedom, what would you expect from a guy born in NYC, raised in Florida who lived in Texas and Oklahoma the last 39 years.
52% Dixie. Barely in Dixie

Missouri - Northerners call us Rebs, Southerners call us Yankees, East Coast calls us Western hicks and Westerners call us Eastern dandys. Missouri - 2 states from the top, 2 from the bottom and 5 from each side.
I guess I'm a slow learner. I grew up in New England but I've been in the south for 38 years, 33 of that in Georgia and I'm still only 28% Dixie. I grew up outside of Boston and when people ask me if I'd ever move back north, I tell them that if the Pilgrims had landed in Savannah instead of Plymouth Rock, Canada would have been HUGE! They would have told the French that they could have everything north of Virginia:wink:

I travel a bit with my work and when I'm walking or driving in blinding snow or near zero temperatures, I just shake my head and figure that the folks living there just don't know that it doesn't have to be like this.

Jim Smith
38% Southern here ... and seeing how I've only lived in California (twice, escaped both times), and Colorado mostly, I suspect much of that 38% is reading posts from all you Southerners ...

But, I used to travel a lot to Texas and Florida, so that explains some of it!
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I was born in Oklahoma, lived New Zealand for the past 18yrs. Can't get mush more south than that. What % does that make me?
24% Dixie. You are a dandy Yankee Doodle. Guess my short stay in Georgia & Louisiana made an impression on me :rolleyes:

Although I do have an issue in that most of the words that end in "R" are not pronounced like it should be up here... which is an "ah"
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32% southern which is a little confusing. The furthest south I've lived is New Mexico and that was for 10 months. For me a bug that rolls up into a ball is a caterpillar.
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Well, I found this 55% Southern---but, I was born in PA,
grew up in PA,
spent 4 years in the Navy most of it on a ship homeported in RI,
then spent 39 years in NY State (not NY City, Brooklyn or lonk iland) and the last 11 years in Delaware (where I live East of the Mason Dixon Line).

I still say Roof like Woof, not like oops. Creek is still Crick. "I could do that" instead of "I can do that". I drink Soda. I have a hoagie. I lived on Route (rout) 507. Crawfish etc. were Crabs. We took our lunch to school in a lunch pail - not a lunch box or lunch bucket - or we "brown bagged it". We picked 'huckle berries". We told "light lies" instead of 'white lies". We got "All wrapped around the axle" when something upset us. Girls were "chickadees' rather than "chicks". And "Rip roarin', blue livered, lightnin' on a teaspoon' expressed awe or excitement. Probably a lot of other "local" words and phrases. We also thought of formal weddings as one with a white bow tied around the shotgun barrels. Oh, we didn't like to be called hillbillies - Much preferring mountain Williams.
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I still believe Brother Dave Gardner was right when he pronounced, "The Earth is a Southern Planet!"

Welcome,WELCOME all to the South.

Brother Dave was a great Southern comic in the '60's and '70's for all the younger members here.
53% southern which I am not. I am 50% Texan. I have never heard any member of my dad's side say they were southern. They are Texan and according to some, Southern are the folks outside Texas. Except Oklahomans who are...well..you know. :tongue:
34% Southern. Must be a Yankee. How i got the southern part is beyond me. Mom was Swede from Minn. and Dad was from Sweden. I was born in Sacramento, CA. But lived in South Sac most of my life. Been Called a South Sac Okie, maybe thats were the 34% comes from.
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