A snake of a different color

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Sep 22, 2005
Billings, MT, USA.
I got this blank from Jason(hazegry) when he was advertising them a while back. It was labeled as Bull Snake, but it doesn't look like any of the Bull Snakes that live around our house. I liked the look of it though and it seems to work well with the copper plating.


Comments and complaints welcome.
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Gerry, that looks good and I agree that the copper sets it off. I love the skin coloring. [^] I'm just not a proponent of killing bull snakes (not that you killed this one) since they eat rattlers. Just a personal preference. I bet a coral snake would really look cool. I have no qualms about killing poisonous snakes. [;)]
Billy, I agree completely about not killing Bull Snakes. I like them. Several times in the spring here I've had to stop on my way to work to chase one off the road where it was sunning itself early in the morning. A big one doesn't chase very easily.[:0]
I really like that! You must have picked before me cuz I surely would have pick that one if I had seen it!![}:)][:)] On a side not- do these feel as "soft" to turn and finish as other PR and plastic blanks?

Like the pen though I don't like most skin pens! The mental picture of Gerry stopping his truck in the middle of the road to chase snakes is ALMOST TOO GOOD to be true!!!
Feels about the same to me, but it depends on who makes the blank. Some people may use a little more hardener than the next.
You're right, Gerry. The big ones don't chase very easily. I've actually run across small bull snakes in the brush that will coil like a rattler and when you start to get too close, they'll rapidly shake the end of their tail like a rattler. When they do this against some brush, they actually "sound" like rattles. It can really make you think twice.
Nice pen Gerry, really like the color of the skin. I may have to break down
and get some copper kits, I was waiting to see what useres think about the wear factor.
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