A Quintet of Zen's

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mark james

IAP Collection, Curator
Sep 6, 2012
Medina, Ohio
Well, my wife had not given the pens away just yet... So I was able to "prove the event"... (No picture, didn't happen...)

Really easy turning, a lot of fun, nice assortment.

Helped to clean out some older kit packets... Make room for more!!!

As mentioned previously, these are "bribe" pens for a Patent Law Office - for my wife.


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Very nice group of pens! I need to try that Zen kit. I like the clean simple lines. Well done sir!

It is a nice choice for a straight blank. I bought 10 a few years ago - now all are done... I will look for a similar kit!
Very nice Mark. I may have to give that kit a try sometime too.
These should get your wife some priority service - best wishes with her patent application.
Great job on those Mark!
Super blanks too!

What finish did you use?

Thank you Charlie!

For the 4 wood blanks - Pens Plus - 8-10 coats approximately.
For the Acrylic - Wet sanded with Abranet to 600, then micromesh/water to 12000, finished with McGuire's Auto Polish (the one for plastic headlight covers). Buffed with my shirt :tongue:
Hello Mark

I have only made one Zen pen and maybe you remember this one, but I have a few more kits. The reason I bought the kits was because of the magnetic cap that I wanted to try. Wanted to find out if I should include it in my arsenal. Now I have to admit I have not really put it through its paces but have played with it. I am not totally sold on the idea. I say this because i feel the cap is a bit flimsy and feel it may fall off. It rocks back and forth. When put in a pocket I always feel the cap will come off.

My question to you is being you have made a few of these what is your opinion of the kit??? Thanks in advance.


Hi John.

I have made about 15... And have not experienced/heard of the cap being "sloppy." I have 2 that I take to work occasionally, and the are fine.

My wife works for Lubrizol and is a chemist and is around a lot of engineers, and they like the zen.

Now, if I could make a blank like yours - the cap with be a lost thought... Mighty nice! (yea, I know get the lead out and just do it...:tongue:).
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