A fountain of caribou

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Jul 10, 2005
Toronto, ON, Canada
This is my second fountain pen (Black Ti Baron) that I've crafted. The blank is caribou and turned surprisingly easy with the exception of the smell that is emitted as it spins on the mandrel. Now comes difficult decision as to sell it or keep it for myself. Your laurels or darts are welcomed.


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I like the looks. But you may have difficulty finding a buyer that appreciates something so completely 'natural'. I think if you ask Tom (Griz) how he finishes his great looking antler pens, he will say he uses quite a bit of CA to seal. If you have access to much caribou antler, I suggest you keep for yourself and make more to sell. I like the looks. Definately a mans pen.
For what probably is a man's pen (I have to agree with Frank on this!) it is quite nice. It matches the finish of the pen kit very well and looks very elegant. Another reason this type of pen is more likely to be a man's pen- I wonder how many women [:X] would realize what it is as easily as a man might? If I'd seen it or any of the others people have shown, before hanging out on this site for awhile, I don't think I'd have even known what these pens were made out of! [:D][:D]
Allan (swiftden) the Baron kits are available from Arizona Silhoutte in Arizona. There is a link to their website at the front of the IAP home page.

Thanks for all the nice comments that have been directed towards this posting, it serves as an encouragement to do better on the 'next' one.

I'm not an antler fan, but that is very nice. I'd suggest that you place a very high price on it to discourage a sale, but a price that would make you happy if someone did decide to take it home. You win either way.
GREAT LOOKING antler pen! I like the mix of outer and inner bone.

I've sold 1/2 dozen slimline antler pens to ladies for their personal pen, so they are not just for men! Guess we may have a few more female hunters up here in Alaska.....
Hey, we know antler here in Tennessee too!
It's just that, while our deer may have 10 or 12 points, their antlers are slim so it's hard to get enough in one piece to so a full barrel section from a Tennessee deer.

I do like this pen and the antler's a good match for the kit.

I think that the skin oils of the user will create a unique patina overtime, given how porous the surface is. You may or may not like this. Sealing would prevent it and keep resideu from the sand paper from getting into the pores so much.

Nice photography too!

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