A few new casts

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Dai Sensei

Jan 14, 2009
Gold Coast Queensland Australia
It's raining again, so I thought I would knock out a few of my recent casts.

Matching pen and pencil Cigars with cable casts. The green/silver ones are from a water pipe I was given at the last SEQ BBQ by Guy. The weave is a bit loose, so I don't like the result, but the colours are different. The other ones are SS cable in Aztec Gold Tinted resin (more like greeny gold to me :redface:).


the same, but in EB's.


Last are some label casts using stickers from the local $2 shop. I wanted something to put on the painted black Sierra tubes I made a while back for the water transfers, that didn't suit, I needed white backgrounds. So a sheet of frogs stood out in the shop. These are just a couple. Some let go on the legs during casting, and I did get a few debonding bubbles to the black paint (see bottom of purple one), so I won't be doing any more. Ok for market pens though


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Nice work on ll of them. I just started casting the braided stuff and my first casting was using some silver tinned copper braiding and it work well. I am trying the stainless and having abit of a problem with the casting. I am trying to figure out what is wrong so still working on them. The green and silver material, does it come in that color and if so where can you buy this??? Also there are those that keep saying that you can get colored stainless steel braided cables used in the auto industry but I have not been able to find them, have you come across anything like that???

On the decals casting, did you top coat the deacl with anything before you casted it???

Thanks for showing. Job well done.
The green and silver material, does it come in that color and if so where can you buy this???

It was excess at a building site, not sure where to get them, it was a gift.

Also there are those that keep saying that you can get colored stainless steel braided cables used in the auto industry but I have not been able to find them, have you come across anything like that???

Haven't seen them here, but haven't been looking. Sounds interesting, so might check out the auto shops myself.

On the decals casting, did you top coat the deacl with anything before you casted it???

No, just cast them, I was in a hurry as usual :rolleyes:. That's probably why the stickers lifted in a few places :redface:
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