A few I just finished

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Jun 10, 2009
Eastern NC
Here are a few pens I finished this week. Shoot 'em down for me.


Bullet pen with antler barrel.

Gold Designer in Cocobolo with an antler center band per customer's request with matching letter opener.

Couples' Designer pens, one in Zebra Wood with Cocobolo center band. The other is Cocobolo with Zebra Wood center band.

Slimline in Cocobolo.

PS-Any suggestions on improving my photos is appreciated.
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The camera should have an auto focus, so you are most likely moving while taking the shots.
Either stabilise your elbows on the table or use a tripod.
If your camera has image stabilisation, turn it on as it will help a lot.

If you are going to use a tripod, you can also use the self timer option so that once you have focused the camera and pushed the shutter button you just wait for the camera to do it's thing.
That way you eliminate all movement from the shot.

Either way, practise makes perfect but using a few tools make it so much easier!:biggrin:

Another option is to check out ebay and have a look at the light tents.
Some come with the tent, lights and tripod all for around $40.


Ps: the pens look great! Good designs for the custom centre bands!:biggrin:
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Thanks for the advise. Yes, I know that focus is the major problem, plus the overhead light. I do have a tripod, so I guess I need to set up dedicated photo area/table and find the right settings on my camera. I thought my camera had a macro mode, but now I'm not finding it.
One more I did Friday. My first Civil War pen. Turned with some antique heart pine or "fat lightered" as it's called around here. From an old stump my father had:
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