A couple of things done for my inventory

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Old Griz

Passed Away Oct 4, 2013
In Memoriam
Mar 17, 2004
Hagerstown, MD, USA.
Here are a couple of things I did for my inventory...
5 Elegent American kits in caramel curly maple, green dyed curly poplar, antique longleaf pine, blue dyed curly maple, and redwood burl... nice kits but can be tricky if you don't follow the directions to a T...


These are all Red Padauk Atlas kits in Chrome, Gold and Black.. this is real sweet wood, open pored, but curly grained... a couple of pieces had sapwood edges so I turned them to be striped down the front of th pen... heartwood ranges from a nice mild reddish brown to a light bright maroon... I may have some of this for sale soon...

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Wow Tom, your nice work as usual.

I am thinking of moving on to the Atlas or Polaris type of kit next... Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks
Very nice Tom, I see your getting ready for the rush!
Who makes the Elegant American, I have not seen that one,
Ax the B/W writing background, to busy.
Got to go, my favorite TV program is on "Deadwood"
Fantastic looking pens Griz..especially the patriots. Made my first today and Connie is pondering what to charge for em. Not even trying to compare mine to yours ...but what do you find you get for them generally?
<b>Tony</b>, I agree, but I could not find the soft background I had.. then found out that my daughter used it to improve the look of her Barbie Pet Shop and Hospital... LOL... I could not be mad, she did such a wonderful job.. LOL .. The Elegent American is a new Berea kit... but be real careful the top barrel set up is extremely critical..
<b>Mick</b>, I have not sold any of the Atlas pens yet (I prefer them to the PSI Polaris, better and more plating options), but everyone who has seen them seems to love them.. I am figuring on $40 either in wood or acrylic... I really did not like the look of that pen when I saw it in the catalog, but Lou told me to try one.. it is a real comfortable pen to write with and you can get 2 pens out of a 6" blank..
<b>PastorBill</b>, I start my indoor farm market booth on 23Apr.. ends 25Jun... every Saturday morning 6AM-Noon... I will probably start off with an inventory of about 100 pens and 30 perfume applicators... and will make more as I find out what is selling.. This time I am going to have more FPs due to requests during the Christmas season.. I have also found out that my higher priced pens sell better, so will also have some higher priced platings, like platinum and sterling.. somewhat confusing considering the economy in Western MD farm country... but we do have a fair amount of city commuters and big business in the area..
My display consists of 3 30 pen boxes and 2 acrylic display stands.. with extras under the table as needed.. worked out real good over Christmas (sales were $250-$400/day)... this is the first time I am doing the Mother's/Father's Day and Graduation season.. hope it does as well..
Great looking display and photography Tom. I particularly like the blue dyed curly maple one. I'm gonna have to make a trip to Maryland just to learn how to take proper pictures.
Just about everything I do has a CA finish... I usually sand to 600 grit then a coat or two of Chestnut Cellulose sanding sealer buffed with 00000 steel wool cloth followed by 3-4 thin coats of thick CA buffed between every other coat with the 00000 steel wool cloth... then final coat sanded to 12000 wet MM and followed by plastic polish to remove any remaining swirl marks.. and Ren wax as a top coat..
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