A couple of new attempts

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Feb 5, 2004
Watson, Louisiana, USA.
This is my first attempt at a couple of new blanks. A snake skin and a shreaded money blank. The snake skin was a challenge. I sure didn't want to mess it up so it took forever to turn. Wasn't quite sure how far down I could take it so left it more hefty than I like them. The money blank was also a challenge getting all of the voids filled. I didn't color the inside of the money blank as recommended. I thought the allusion of maybe a hint of gold in the money would look good. All in all both pens came out OK I guess. Comments are welcome.




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It looks like you have the snake skin scales going in opposite directions on the cap and barrel. If you have a disassembly tool you can easily take apart one barrel and match the scales to go in the same direction on both barrels. You may have pulled off the allusion of gold under the Shredded Money. I probably would have painted them just because of the swirly glue you can see. The shape looks great and you finish looks pretty good
Boy I want to say this in the true spirit
of constructive opinion. First off I too
am not perfect, in my haste I also mismatched
scale directions on two pens so far. It's the
anticipation of wanting to see the pen completed.

Well here goes, You selection of hardware is spot on
for the color skin you choose, and the skin itself is
very very nice. Now the bad, it lacks uniformly turned
segments and my number one resin peeve, I see swirl marks
on both top and bottom pieces. Cross polish please

With such good and rare materials being used, we all have to
go the extra mile in all aspects of a pen of this stature to
bring out it's true potential. Keep Trying your close, and try not
to but those skins on the lathe until you match the direction first.
That’s what I’m trying to do from now on, Snakeskin is hard to come by.

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