A bit Fishy

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Passed Away May 11, 2015
In Memoriam
Jan 10, 2009
Gold coast AU
I found a Fish clip in my collection ,so modified it to fit on a sierra tube painted white then light blue ,and cast in clear acrylic , its a slightly longer tube and a sierra vista kit to try and not have a big bulgy pen , I think it looks much better inside the pen than outside hehe. Cheers ~ John


The clip is on the plain side :)

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Thanks ! it does look as thought the clip is just stuck on the tube ,until you pick it up and realise its embedded ,I formed the clip to match the tube dia ,so it sits flush on the tube ,this may end up in my keeper box hehe, Cheers ~ John
Nice job, I think it looks much better cast like you did than hanging off the side. Way to think outside the box.
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