4th Annual Penturners' Rendezvous

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Passed Away Jun 20, 2018
In Memoriam
Dec 30, 2004
Wappingers Falls. NY
I want to remind you of the upcoming Rendezvous. June 14th, it's only 3 months away!!! And some events are taking place right now! For those of you that have not attended one I'll post some highlights, though you can find most information by visiting http://www.penmakersguild.com/provo06/provo06.htm

The Rendezvous will be structured similarly to last year's. There will be 3 penturning demos run at the CSU Super Wednesday event. In the evening, we'll have the main Rendezvous, the get-together at the Hampton Inn. At the Hampton we'll have more room than last year. There will be the pen display where you can vote your favorite pen, show-and-tell displays, some vendor tables, chatting, demos. This year we will have demos in a partitioned-off room which should make it a little easier. One of the demos is arranged - Russ Fairfield will talk about integrated clips. Other 1/2 hour slots are still open - any suggestions? Anything participants want to see? Of course there will be lots of door prizes again - Woodcraft has pledged a Rikon mini lathe as grand prize!

But to make this event a success again, we need YOU. You can participate in more than one way.

1. Of course we hope you'll attend. In that case, please preregister. On the website there is a paypal pay button, or you can send me a check. You may also register at the door, but you'll not get a customized button that way. There is a $10 registration fee to help cover the costs. Registration entitles you to participate in the doorprize drawing

2. If you are unable to attend you can still participate by submitting pens for the pen display. The pen display will be at the Rendezvous, as well as in the instant gallery at the Symposium. There are so many new talents, and folks whose abilities have grown since last year's event, I hope this will be the most spectacular display yet! This is to show the turning community that pen turning is an art to be recognized! And as a little enticement we do vote and have the turning community at large at the Symposium vote on the best pens in 3 categories. And of course there will be prizes, so it's fame AND fortune! We would also like to take a selection on the displayed pens to the AAW Convention the following week to exhibit there. The pen display submissions are open to all turners, you don't have to be a member of any specific group, and the only cost to you is postage both ways. It's high time to plan that special pen that'll knock the socks of all the bowl and hollow-vessel turners out there ;)

3. We need a logo!!! Details on the logo design are on the website. Get cracking, guys and gals! This is happening now! You can submit several designs. The group will vote, and Dave Baldwin has again agreed to make buttons for us. You must be preregistered to get a customized button, but you don't need to attend. There is a very nice prize for the winning design, graciously donated by Arizona Silhouette - 10 very exceptional oversize desert ironwood blanks. (Identified that way by the Duke - and he knows his desert ironwood ;)

I really hope to see many of you there and put faces to names and 'handles'
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I am planing on attending again this year. It was a lot of fun last year. It is not often you get to cherry pick your blanks from BB. I think that a demo on the proper use of the skew would be great. I would like to learn how to use one. I have tried a few time but not with great results. Closed end pens have also been a hit this year thanks to Fanger. You could look at a demo for that.

OK, both are definite possibbilities. I may cover closed-end at the CSU demo earlier in the day - not decided yet. I know there is always interest in the skew. There are enough skew experts - but I think it'd be nice if we could talk Don Ward into coming up again, since he adapted the skew in the last year or 2 and uses it nearly exclusively and probably even remembers why. Of course we'd have to bring some tools in case he displaced his [;)][:D]
Folks this is your biweekly reminder of the upcoming Rendezvous. The web site and links to previous events is at http://www.penmakersguild.com/provo06/provo06.htm

Newer members that have not heard of the Rendezvous: Spne a little time looking at past events. This is our 4th get-together and is bound to be bigger and better than previous ones. Feel free to ask questions here, during the chats, or via direct email any time!

Right now, I understand that the Hampton Inn, our meeting location, has only 1 smoking room available any more! But there is a La Quinta across the street, and a Fairfield Inn next door, plus a few more stays nearby. But don't wait too much longer!

You should also preregister! This gives us an idea of how many are coming. There is a $10 fee to cover the room and costs of running the event. Registration is via a paypal button on the web site, or you can send us a check. This also will let us make a personalized logo button for you!

Speaking of which - we have a design centest ongoing. I am surprised not to see lots of entries! Your winning entry will not only get you fame and glory, but also a very nice prize!

Lastly, it is difficult to plan the pen display when all we get is last minute submissions. Please help us plan by sending an email to display@penmakersguild.com This will get you a return email with all the gory details, and give us an idea of what to expect.

Hope to see many of you out there!
I had the honor to help Rich and Kurt with the first two Rendezvous. I have no doubt that when I stopped helping they became better organized!!![:D]

Friends, if you have even the slightest opportunity to attend - do it! This is penturner's Nirvana! All day long Craft Supplies has their one-and-only sale all year long, and they are only about five minutes away. There are demonstrations there by many of the big names in woodturning, including Rich! It is an experience that just can't be beat! Then that evening is the Penturner's Rendezvous! All the people you have wanted to meet will be there! And as was mentioned above, it's about the only time you can personally pick your own blanks from Bill Baumbeck's best stash!

But the next day is the beginning of the Utah Woodturning Symposium, the oldest current woodturning symposium in the world, and second in size only to the AAW Symposium. It is three days of the best in woodturning!

Do not pass this up! It is the greatest time you will have, short of turning pens! And like Rich says, even if you can't attend, turn in a pen for the pen display. It will be seen and judged by the best turners in the world!

Make your plans and get to Provo!

Hi Rich,

I hope to attend one year, but it will not be this year....I only wish Provo was not so far away for me (Southern Ontario).

It would be great to meet so many people I know here and some new people as well, the pen community is a supportive and fun group!
Rendezvous reminder:

Some critical dates approaching!

<b>April 30</b> Last entry for logo design contest. So far, we have 1 single entry! There is a nice prize for the winner, in addition to the obvious fame ;-)

<b>May 31</b> Last date for pen display pens. Get all the details by dropping an email to Kurt

<b>June 10</b> Last day to register online and be assured a personalized Rendezvous button

<b>June 14</b> 4th Annual Penturners' Rendezvous!
Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />Are you using the same three categories for the pen judging?
Yes. 7mm, open, and collaborations. You may submit 1 pen/category, up to 3 total. Please click on the link 'email to Kurt' above to get all the details on submission.
The logo/button design contest is closed. There are 10 entries.

Cast your vote today! A new poll has been created on the yahoo! penturners group:

Vote your choice for the 4th Annual Penturners Rendezvous logo. Entries can be found here. The poll will close on Sunday, May 7th.

To vote, please click here. If you are not a member of the yahoo! penturners group you may have to join first.

Note: The only way to vote is going to the Yahoo! Groups web site linked above. You cannot vote by email or posting here

I would like to clarify something. This came up in yahoo penturners. It seems like some people are confused about the pen display in Provo. You do NOT need to be present to participate! And your pens *WILL* be returned to you! In fact, one of the reasons for the pen display was to have a part of this event that folks that could not make in there could still participate in. The pens will also be photographed and posted on the Rendezvous website by Kurt. And of course there will be some very nice prizes awarded.

You only have 2 weeks left to get pens in the mail! Or rather,, you have a full 2 weeks to get some pens together and help show the turning world that pens and penturning are for real. In fact, I have seen most of the techniques used by the rest of the turning world used on pens. To get started, visit the website and send an email to Kurt Hertzog - this email address will return the full details to you. There is no cost associated with the pen display other than your postage both ways.
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