300 win mag

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Jan 16, 2005
Hertford, NC, USA.
Here was a special request. It is a 300 win mag and antler. Had to snap a hurried pic before handing it over. Still let me know what you think and how the pic can be improved. Number 1: I need more lighting. Thanks

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Great looking pen, one photo suggestion. don't use the on board flash. comes right back at the lens. use lights at the sides and difused. when in a hurry try and use a defuser on the cameras flash as well.
A turners suggested to me to put a couple of layers of wax paper over the flash.
I like to take mine in natural light if possible,tiemr feature with a tripod or anything to steady the camera.
I also take more than one picture with differnt settings, some times the material in the pen affects the photographic out come.

MEant to tell you beforeBANG! Up JOB!
Daniel. Oobak: I'll try that next time. I have been meaning to build a little studio like some on this site have done. Just havnt found the time.

Eagle: Thanks for the compliment [:D]

Michael: LOL know the feeling on that one[:p]
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