22nd Georgia Chapter Meeting

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Local Chapter Leader
Jul 17, 2006
Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
I am proud to announce that the 22nd Chapter meeting will be held at Woodcraft in Roswell on March 15th, 2014 from 10am to around 3pm. This date has been confirmed with the location!

Location information:
8560 Holcomb Bridge Rd., Suite 115
Alpharetta, GA 30022
Phone: (770) 587-3372
Fax: (770) 587-9068
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Looking for Demo Ideas

OK everyone, I would like to hear what we would like for the demos during this meeting! Let me know what we can do!
Not sure about a Demo but, I propose a pen contest. First meeting of the year it should be fun. We can come up with a theme at the Dec. meeting. Prizes can be donated from club members. Plus it will close to the BAsh
So, we have come up with an interesting idea for a contest for our meeting after the March 15th meeting.

We are going to have a contest where we build pens based on a theme much like the cooking show Chopped. If you are not familiar with the concept, chef's are given a box of ingredients that they must use to cook a dish with. The chef that creates the best dish using the ingredients in the box wins the contest.

For our contest, the principals will be the same, just creating pens instead of dishes. The premise is that you will receive a bag at the March 15th meeting, and in it will be some pieces of material and you will craft a pen using these materials. Each bag will be different, and it will be drawn out of a box randomly. Everything but the pen kit will be provided (of course if you don't use any kits that's ok too). The following meeting you will need to bring your pen and we will have some judges to determine who the winner is.

If you are interested in the contest, you will need to be at the March 15th meeting in order to be able to get one of the content bags to build with. If you are not present, you will not be able to participate (only exception being Jonathan!).

Prizes and judging will be discussed at the next meeting. I will prepare 40 bags so first come first served! Everyone who is a member of the Georgia chapter is encouraged to participate regardless of your experience.

Lets have some fun!
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Also I have not heard any ideas on a demo for the meeting. Please let me know if you or someone else is willing to do a demo and on what topic.
I have had a request for anyone who has a Pen Wizard who is willing to come in and do a demonstration for the club on how to use a pen wizard. Anyone know anyone who is very proficient in using the pen wizard????? Please let me hear from you if you do. We would love to have them come in for a demo!
Is anyone interested in cigar boxes again for this meeting? I can bring another load in, if I get enough interest....Let me know via a post here......
Hey club members

I have heard nothing but crickets....

Do we have any volunteers for demos?

Last call for cigar boxes...if anyone wants me to bring some, let me know on the forum!


Hopefully I stir up some responses
I'm going to be out of town that date, so you can have a "pick on Steve" demo, which should give you some boisterous participation, at least. :RockOn: See you next time!
I'm still planning on being there Robert. If you need me to demo something let me know. I'm always happy to help out.

Robert, REMIND me to bring you some hot sauce.
Ok club members Brooks803 (Jonathan) is willing to do a demonstration for the club!

Please let me and him know what you might like for him to demo.
I'd love to see an embedded casting demo. If Kent is up to doing a tube on demo that would be great too. Basic photo tips may be helpful too.

Well ladies and gents, the Woodcraft mailer came out and they have our date for the meeting listed as the 19th.

IT IS NOT THE 19th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We still have our date set as the 15th as listed in this thread. Please do not show up on Wednesday the 19th, as nobody will be there from the group.
Whew! Glad that got cleared up...wait...mailer? I don't think I made that list :tongue:

Since Kent will be doing casting I guess I'll follow suit :cool:

Embedded was suggested so I'll plan for that and maybe more if time allows
Sad news everyone. I won't be able to make it to the meeting. Shea's grandfather isn't doing very well so we'll be driving to upstate Alabama that weekend to visit.

Robert, save a bag of mystery goodies to send my way. I still want to participate.
Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers.

I do have some good news. I WILL be attending and (if still needed) demoing this coming weekend.

After a few phone calls and making arrangements to visit, Shea's grandfather has asked us to come the weekend of the 22nd instead. His birthday is around then and there will be a family get together so it would be a bit more festive that way.

Sorry for the back and forth. This date has been set in stone so there will be no changes!
Hey Jonathon,

Sorry to hear about her grandfather but glad you can make it still

I'd love to see some blanks and pick up a couple personally. I'm bringing in a few extra kits I got in a deal as well.
Another outstanding meeting film at 11. Outstanding because of the work of Robin and Robert. Added to the list has to be the great demos by Jonathan and by Kent very informative and very useful.. I must not leave out the hospitality of the Woodcraft crew.
Thanks to all who made the meeting a success and welcome to our new folks..
First Thanks to Kent and Jonathan for the great demos!

I will be making up the "bags" over the next few months, so be nice to me and you might get a really nice bag! And remember I am a judge.....

Lastly, update on the hot sauce. I found it was very tasty. A good smoky flavor when you first had it on the tongue, and it found some heat when you were building up a few bites. It wasn't sneaky heat, it definitely let you know it was there. On a scale of 1 to 10 for normal hot sauces it was a 7.5 or so. On the scale of insane hot sauces (the really crazy hot sauces) it was about a 3 on the same scale. Really good tasting stuff! Thanks Jonathan!

If anyone has ideas on demos for the next meeting speak up now! I will post the information for the next meeting on a new thread.
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