2012 Birthday BASH is almost here!!

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
:party:February is fast approaching and around the IAP, that means it is time to PARTY.:party:

If you have never experienced a Birthday BASH you are in for a lot of fun. Just ask some of the 'Old Heads". :rolleyes:

Showcase your skills and win some awesome prizes!!!:biggrin:


This year's BASH activities include:

The Russ Fairfield Memorial Modified Slimline Contest
Beautiful Pen Contest
Beginner Pen Contest
Freestyle Pen Contest
Modified Pen Contest
Casting Contest
Featured Pen
Best Article
Photo Contest
Ugly Pen Contest
Match the Shop
Crossword Puzzle
Daily Trivia

You can expect to start seeing some preliminary rules posted so everyone will have ample time to obtain the materials needed to participate.

During the Birthday BASH the 2012 Limited Edition IAP Coffee Mug :coffee: will be unveiled and made available for a nominal donation to your favorite pen turning site! All who donate will be eligible for a special drawing with even MORE awesome prizes.

Now for the business portion of this post. All Birthday BASH activities are subject to the rules that govern all IAP activities. Those rules can be reviewed here Please make sure that your public profiles contain the minimal, required information and that you have met all obligations of previous IAP activities you have participated in.

There is something for everyone so in February split your time between your shop and the IAP. February is about PENS.

See ya at the party!!​
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BASH Schedule of events

Here is a TENTATIVE schedule of events for the BASH. Maybe it shouldn't be called a schedule, it should be called a "Guide". Planning this event is very fluid and changes can occur at a moments notice. The BASH Planning Team, which is an INCREDIBLE group of people, all have lives and obligations outside of the IAP. Things do come up but all in all, I think will be able to pretty closely meet these goals.

We hope to have a dedicated 2012 Birthday Bash Forum up and running later this evening. Finalized rules will be published as quickly as possible so supplies can be obtained and planning can begin. Official kick-off is 2/1/2012. Feel free to contact me with any questions or better yet, post questions here so everyone can benefit from the answers.

Happy BASHing!!!:biggrin:


  • 12 - Bash schedule of events 120115a.doc
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Landon, do you need to be an IAP member to participate in the BASH? :confused:
I'm not the one in charge of that but I'll go with this answer:

"To be eligible to participate in any IAP activity your penturners.org member profile must include your real first and last names and your city and state (US) or the location identifier appropriate for your country of residence. Activity participants must be able to be contacted by the penturners.org private messaging system and/or have a valid email address registered with penturners.org."

I would say to meet this requirement, yes you would need to be a member. I don't believe you can meet these requirements without it.

It does only take a few minutes to join, and there are many prizes to be won in these contests so I would say there is no reason to not join up.
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PR_Princess said:
Does it cost anything to join up and become a member of the IAP?

That is an excellant question!!!

All resources of the IAP, including the extensive Library and readily available experienced penmakers anxious to answer any question asked are available for the nominal price of NOTHING! And, if you join now you may win one of the many prizes that will be awarded to IAP members EVERY DAY DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY!!!

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