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Mar 20, 2006
Ninety Six, SC, USA.
Welcome to the fourteenth day of this year's IAP TRIVIA CONTEST</u>. You will have until 12 noon ET tomorrow to email your answer to this question. Please be sure to include your IAP screen name with your answer so we know who you are.

All correct answers "postmarked" before noon will be placed in a hat and two winners selected every day. The winners will be announced about 8 P.M. ET of the day the question closes and the decision of the TRIVIAMEISTER will be final.

!!!!!***HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK***!!!!!

Question for day 14.....

Question: When was the Pen Makers Guild formed and why?

(Note: Good luck!!)

Email your answer to: <s>2008bashtrivia@penturners.org</s>Closed

Please show the date and name of the contest in the title block of the email i.e., 14 Jan Trivia. (saves time for the TRIVIAMEISTER in processing entries.)

Note: "Laundry list" entries that include several possible alternative answers are "NOT" acceptable. Submit only one answer per question or question part(if there is a multi-part question) unless the question specifically asks for multiple answers. Thanks.
Trivia Contest Winners</u>

Question: When was the Pen Makers Guild formed and why?

Answer: July 2003 to provide a forum for more advanced topics.

Note: There were 42 entries for this contest. That vast majority had it correct.:D

The winners of the day 14 contest are:




And the prizes are:

Prize One - Set of rifle cartridges for slimlines. 308 and 30-06 in brass and nickel. One each donated by Sylvanite

Prize Two - Pen Blanks donated by ozmandus


Note: Both winners need to go to Andrew Jordan's profile and email him with:

1. Name and date of the contest you won, in the title block of the email, please. (Example: Jan 14 Trivia)
2. Your mailing address and
3. Your prize preference. (If you both select the same prize, Andrew will flip a coin to determine who gets what.
4. Phone number.(New requirement per Andrew as FedEx requires it for packages they carry.

I would like to remind each winner that the gift you will be receiving has been donated by a supporter of this forum. Please take a minute to email a note of appreciation when you receive your prize. Thanks.
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