13mm x .8 x3 lead tap and die group buy

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IAP Activities Manager
Staff member
Jul 5, 2009
Fort Myers FL
With the response to a marketing thread on this tap and die set it is being offered as a group buy. There is a very short time frame to commit to this group buy. I will close the group buy next Monday the 18th of November at Noon Eastern Standard time.
We already have enough commitments to get to the 24 price break levels.
You can buy either the standard Plug tap and 1 inch die or you can add the bottoming tap.

Plug tap and 1 inch die $114.00 plus shipping
plug tap and 1 inch die and bottoming tap $165.00 plus shipping.

This includes Paypal fees

shipping will be $6.00 for Priority mail in the US and $9.00 for outside the US.

There may be more shipping charges added to oveseas shipping as each individual costs are determined. Any mailing cost overages will be refunded.

The original thread in marketing is here http://www.penturners.org/forum/f159/m13-x-8-x-3-lead-tap-die-set-116044/

I will be transfering the commitments in that thread into this one.
Payments can be made to my Paypal account
Make sure your information is correct and add "tap group buy" in the notes.

You can make payment as soon as you commit, If you need a little time contact me to make arrangements.
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I have the following commitments from the original Marketing thread.
I will be commiting to 6 sets myself including bottoming taps.

Penman1 ..... 1 set + BT
Bocere1....... 1 set + BT
dbledsoe....... 1 set
JPMcConnel..... 1 set
Donovan ....... 1 set + BT
beck3906 ..... 1 set +BT
SteveG ....... 1 set + BT
Curly ..... 1 set + BT
wizard ..... 2 sets +1 BT
Brh ..... 1 set
ashaw..... 1 set
lorbay ..... 1 set
dalecamino ..... 1 set
GasGas ..... 1 set
PTownSubbie.....1 set +BT?
JohnU ..... 1 set
RichF ..... 1 set + BT
Parklandturner .. 1 set + BT
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I need confirmation from a couple of you on the bottoming taps. If you want a bottoming tap and I dont have it marked let me know. If you need to withdraw let me know in a PM and I will take care of it.
Just let me know when and how to pay you.

Oops! I just read the payment instructions. I'll get going on it.
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Please put your membership Id in the notes as well.
Rob I have added you to the list.
I am generating an excell sheet now.
Alright I'm going to go in on this group buy also.
One complete set consisting of tap, die and bottoming tap for $165.00

Thank you, Keith "mrburls"
thank you Keith i will add your name and I have changed yours on the excell spread sheet Fred.
From WIkipedia

Bottoming, plug and taper taps, from top to bottom, respectively.

Various taps.

A tap and "T" wrench

Various tap handles (wrenches).
A tap cuts a thread on the inside surface of a hole, creating a female surface which functions like a nut. The three taps in the image illustrate the basic types commonly used by most machinists:
Bottoming tap or plug tap
[2] The tap illustrated in the top of the image has a continuous cutting edge with almost no taper — between 1 and 1.5 threads of taper is typical.[3] This feature enables a bottoming tap to cut threads to the bottom of a blind hole. A bottoming tap is usually used to cut threads in a hole that has already been partially threaded using one of the more tapered types of tap; the tapered end ("tap chamfer") of a bottoming tap is too short to successfully start into an unthreaded hole. In the US, they are commonly known as bottoming taps, but in Australia and Britain they are also known as plug taps.
Intermediate tap, second tap,[2] or plug tap
[4] The tap illustrated in the middle of the image has tapered cutting edges, which assist in aligning and starting the tap into an untapped hole. The number of tapered threads typically ranges from 3 to 5.[3] Plug taps are the most commonly used type of tap.[citation needed] In the US, they are commonly known as plug taps, whereas in Australia and Britain they are commonly known as second taps.
Taper tap
The small tap illustrated at the bottom of the image is similar to an intermediate tap but has a more pronounced taper to the cutting edges. This feature gives the taper tap a very gradual cutting action that is less aggressive than that of the plug tap. The number of tapered threads typically ranges from 8 to 10.[3] A taper tap is most often used when the material to be tapped is difficult to work (e.g., alloy steel) or the tap is of a very small diameter and thus prone to breakage."
im ordering 6 sets and 4 bottoming tap I can only use one of each

latest excell sheet.


  • group buy Iap v2.xls
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Hey Mike,

A little late to the party but I'm in for a complete set. Let me know the cost with shipping to Japan..much appreciated. Sounds like a nice stocking stuffer!!


Not to late at all. Im not sure what shipping to Japan would be at all. I will try and find out.
priority is $24.00 for a padded envelope or $14.00 first class. which ever you would prefer.
screen shot of the current list


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Thank you Evan I have notification of the payment, I have added you to the List John and have recieved your payment as well.
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