I also make mistakes!

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Feb 21, 2009
Lawrence, KS
Well, I decided I wanted to try my hand at making a bowl. Never made one, and only a few small things like pens and some bottle stoppers on the lathe so far.

Since this is an experiment and teaching project, I decided to laminate some 3/4" maple I already had to make a shallow bowl blank. If it works, I could have a candy dish for the coffee table.

No 4-jaw chuck so doin' it old-school with a face plate and waste block.

Did all right until about the 80% done mark. Then whamo, caught the gouge on the inside and the blank blew apart. :eek:

Is it a failed bowl? Yes. Is the project a failure, no because I got to practice new techniques and I learned a few things.

1) I learned it is cool to make things blow apart, no mater how you do it.
2) I learned a face shield and safety glasses are important (I was at the tail stock end of the lathe when it split, so out of the line of fire, but still glad I was wearing them).
3) I learned that the profile I thought I was cutting was not what I was cutting (one benefit to having things split, you can see the profile).
4) I learned the brown paper bag trick with a waste block does work.
5) Did I mention, it is cool when things blow apart? :cool:

I have several more to practice on so I'm sure I'll get one to work right. Tomorrow is another day. But today I made a mistake. :biggrin:

(No camera at home so just set the two larges pieces on edge on the flatbed scanner. Way to thin on the bottom, in fact I had also just cut all the way through to the brown paper bag.)


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Feb 21, 2009
Lawrence, KS
I had on the safety glasses plus the face shield. Also I've been wearing a heavy canvas shop apron for a while. Started wearing that after talking to a guy at the local woodworkers guild that got an ambulance ride with a pretty good sliver of wood stuck in his chest, close to his heart. Aside from his doing something stupid (by his own admission) at the table saw and causing the kickback in the first place, if he had been wearing something other than a t-shirt, it likely would not have penetrated. He freely admits that he knew better than to pull back on a rip that was binding. Just stopped thinking for a moment and it shattered, sending the sliver into his chest.

tim self

Oct 2, 2008
Atoka, Oklahoma
Yep it's cool when something blows up but not when you've been working on it for 4 hours. At least you didn't get hurt. Contrats on expanding your limits too.


Feb 18, 2007
N.E. Atlanta, Georgia U.S.A.
I have to agree with you, the bottom is rather thin. Otherise, looks like a pretty good 'start' on a new item in your inventory. Keep at it and don't forget the lessons learned.


Dec 22, 2006
Old Orchard Beach, Maine
Looks like you were well on your way to making a nice funnel before it blew. I'm thinking about taking all of my half bowls and mounting them to a board as a wall planter. that way I can say I planned it!!
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