What are those things called?

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Mar 22, 2005
Manassas Park, Virginia, USA.
I have been looking for the packages of those little plastic disks that one uses to accent a pen blank. They look like various colored plastic washers that you can glue into a blank to make color accents and such.

What are they called? Do you know who is selling them? We need the varous colors, or I would just use a credit card or something similar.

Your collective memory HAS to be better than mine!!

Thanks in advance!
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??? Did you actually see them as discs? or just assuming so because they were turned to disks along with the pen???

I'm assuming your thinking of pick guard... But if thats not it I can't wait to see the answer.
no no no... I know they're washers!! ;o)

Where did I get them? They came in a little bag, and I got them from one of our favorite vendors. Arizona doesn't show them, and I couldn't find'm on PSI or CSUSA. I thought maybe 'Pens of Color', but they're long gone! (sad to say!)

I bought a bag, had three or four plastic washers of various colors. (red, blue, green, white, black) Each 'washer' is a little bigger than half an inch in diameter, complete with a hole in the middle.

You guys are smarter than me, you're supposed to know this!!

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No, at one time you could purchase plastic washers, Mike has NOT lost his marbles.

I HAVE some, somewhere, but I still cut up plastic sheets, cause I forgot where the washers WENT. And the source MIGHT HAVE BEEN Callozo - just hit me - it was a small supplier - might want to ask the Yahoo group if no one here can remember Mike.

Or PM Lou - he probably has 800 of them in case he ever makes a plastic pen.
I have some in a bag, but a friend is looking for some for a pen and I don't have the color he needs. ...and you are right, it was one of the smaller suppliers like POC or Arizona...

a memory is a terrible thing to loose!

How about a suggestion on where he could get some black plastic...
Have you considered using some regular plastic and a drill bit? Might work for you. I even have some colored plastic if you want.
They are Motherboard Insulated Fiber Washers and can be found in many electronics supply stores. With the standardization in the computer industry, there is no longer the wide variety of color there use to be, but you should still be able to find black, red and white as they are still used in the business. (Color refers to working properties).
That'll work, I'll have to check it out at the parts places we have.

Thanks Lou!! Do you remember who used to sell those packs?

Ed, I'll check on those sources and see if I can find something.
I don't know how thick these things are, approximately the same as a credit card.

Thanks everyone!
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No, at one time you could purchase plastic washers, Mike has NOT lost his marbles.

I HAVE some, somewhere, but I still cut up plastic sheets, cause I forgot where the washers WENT. And the source MIGHT HAVE BEEN Callozo - just hit me - it was a small supplier - might want to ask the Yahoo group if no one here can remember Mike.

Or PM Lou - he probably has 800 of them in case he ever makes a plastic pen.

You notice he didn't MENTION the 800 in his basement!!
Naw, they're probably in his living room... or maybe kitchen... no... that's for blanks and glue ups... or was that the dining room?

No matter, ya gotta love the 'freedom' !

Thanks again, Lou!
Ryan, Sheila and even CS USA carried them at one time, but no longer. If you just need black plastic sheets, I have some in 0.010, 0.020, 0.030 and 0.040". Yes, 1/100th of an inch! Send me an email with what you need. (I also have white in those thicknesses...and maybe gray.) As for the legend, I'm a legend in my own mind.
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Where do you purchase colored sheets at those sizes?

Ryan, Sheila and even CS USA carried them at one time, but no longer. If you just need black plastic sheets, I have some in 0.010, 0.020, 0.030 and 0.040". Yes, 1/100th of an inch! Send me an email with what you need. (I also have white in those thicknesses...and maybe gray.) As for the legend, I'm a legend in my own mind.
Reading this thread with all the guessing of what to call it - makes my day! :biggrin: I can't tell you the number of times I didn't post a reply, or delayed posting a question or thread - because I couldn't think of a "word"! :rolleyes: :eek:

Sometimes I can't remember :frown: what "MT" stands for in "MT2", or what you call a tail stock, head stock, that hand crank on the end:rolleyes:, etc. Part is age - but I'm still kinda young except to young folks :doctor: . . . and Japanese language has filled half of my brain cell compartments to the point that English words are stufffffed in there so tight that they won't come out. :hypnotized:
They were fiber washers (remember the debate:biggrin:) and were sold by Ryan at woodturningz but, unfortunately, he no longer can get them. He gold me why they are no longer available but I've forgotten. I still have a few white ones.
Do a good turn daily!

I have been looking for the packages of those little plastic disks that one uses to accent a pen blank. They look like various colored plastic washers that you can glue into a blank to make color accents and such.

What are they called? Do you know who is selling them? We need the varous colors, or I would just use a credit card or something similar.

Your collective memory HAS to be better than mine!!

Thanks in advance!
It is easy to make bands of any thickness.

Drill the center hole in a blank of the color you wish. Wood, acrylic, corian, etc can be used.

Using a band saw sled, set the stop to the thickness desired. Cut multiple bands.

Look for them on the floor where they have been ejected by the saw.

Lightly sand.

What is the game where you have the different colored little disks that you try to snap into a cup by pressing on the disk with another disk????? Is that tiddle-winks or something. Several different colored plastic disks there.. Am I showing my age??
Yes wood turnings had them on closeout special a few years ago, they were fiber washers with a hole that fit the 7mm tube I believe. All they had left when I ordered some were green I used a few and don't know where the rest are. Check with them, they may know where you can get them.
Bokers is a supplier of plastic washers, and they will send you a free sample pack of different colors and sizes.

But their minimum order quantity is probably 10,000. :biggrin: Anyone up for a group buy?

A little off topic, they have for download a really nice chart of drill sizes and conversions. The thumbnail below is just a sample pic to see what their chart looks like. Go to their web site and download the high resolution pdf file if you want one. The download is called, Boker's 2009 Calendar and Metric Conversion Chart

I have been looking for the packages of those little plastic disks that one uses to accent a pen blank. They look like various colored plastic washers that you can glue into a blank to make color accents and such.

What are they called? Do you know who is selling them? We need the varous colors, or I would just use a credit card or something similar.


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