What have I missed?????

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Hey, Skip !!!! . Welcome back !!!! . Your absence was noted !!!!! . :eek::biggrin:

Like, where were you (you don't have to tell) ... you were sorely missed !!

Sorry, I can't bring you up-to-date on the gossip ... would like to know it myself !!! :eek::biggrin:
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Been gone this long and not show up with pen in hand.How unseemly,people are gonna talk."Do you think he's lost it?"Come on now,give us something to admire.

Welcome back.
Haha.....sounds like things are normal.:rolleyes:

John, I'd be dissapointed in you if you hadn't been stirring the pot a bit.:biggrin:

So our Mafia hit man had to skip town huh? I hope he and Dee enjoy their new lives.

Speak soon:biggrin:
Good to see you back! I thought maybe you went on a road trip like that little rat a few years ago and got lost. lol
Welcome back Skip.

Glad to see you back and looking forward to your words of wisdom.
Hope you got that shop done and ready to post some new photos.

Tell us your gossip.
Missed? What did you miss... How about what did WE miss?

Your'e homely fuzzy face, your witty banter, and... the cast-offs from your under-used lathe!

Welcome back, now have some fun. Siesta's over :)

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