Woops Ring Knurl GT

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Aug 9, 2016
Long Island NY
Started turning this yesterday , finished up this morning . You can see the walnut woops ring on the right end of the blank , I got a little too aggressive with the cherry burl and took a chunk out down to the tube , so I turned off a bit down to the tube and glued on a piece of walnut .


It didn't come out bad , almost looks like it was planned ,well --- that's my story and I'm sticking to it . :biggrin:



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I, personally, like to balance out the pen by putting a whoops band on each end when I have to use them, but that's just personal preference. I think your solution looks fine.
Your Whoops made a fine instrument an original! Keep up the whoopsing....maybe even on purpose. Great save.
Looks fine to me! Nice save!

Thanks Charlie , I like it , maybe enough to keep for personal use

I, personally, like to balance out the pen by putting a whoops band on each end when I have to use them, but that's just personal preference. I think your solution looks fine.

Thanks Derek . I was thinking that but didn't do it , but I like the idea and will probably do the same in the future when I run into this again .

Your Whoops made a fine instrument an original! Keep up the whoopsing....maybe even on purpose. Great save.

Thanks Brian , right now it seems I don't have to have whoops on purpose , they come on their own at a steady rate :biggrin: .
You bugger you, That was no Whoops......That was planned all along......
Nice job, and I' sure you will "plan" more down the road
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