Mr. Anonymous Game #34 @ 9/9/2016 - FOR EVERYBODY...!

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Are you happy now, Kelly...?:wink:


No ... cause I put in my 3rd guess too quickly!

But someone may get another win with the same wood guess! :biggrin:

Poor Kelly, he feels left out now that I gave a bunch of hints...!:frown:

Well, I have good news for you, I extended the number of guesses sets from 3 to 4, I hate to see my friends unhappy but that is all you are going to get so, give me your best shot, the same goes for everyone else, you all have one more chance to get it right...! I'm such a nice fellow, am I...?:eek::rolleyes::biggrin:

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Are you happy now, Kelly...?:wink:


No ... cause I put in my 3rd guess too quickly!

But someone may get another win with the same wood guess! :biggrin:

Poor Kelly, he feels left out now that I gave a bunch of hints...!:frown:

Well, I have good news for you, I extended the number of guesses sets from 3 to 4, I hate to see my friends unhappy but that is all you are going to get so, give me your best shot, the same goes for everyone else, you all have one more chance to get it right...! I'm such a nice fellow, am I...?:eek::rolleyes::biggrin:


Don`t think it will help him George . He`s still out searching for that transparent poplar .
Are you happy now, Kelly...?:wink:


No ... cause I put in my 3rd guess too quickly!

But someone may get another win with the same wood guess! :biggrin:

Poor Kelly, he feels left out now that I gave a bunch of hints...!:frown:

Well, I have good news for you, I extended the number of guesses sets from 3 to 4, I hate to see my friends unhappy but that is all you are going to get so, give me your best shot, the same goes for everyone else, you all have one more chance to get it right...! I'm such a nice fellow, am I...?:eek::rolleyes::biggrin:


Don`t think it will help him George . He`s still out searching for that transparent poplar .

What...?? I know of a few Poplar species but "transparent"...? the only transparent one I know are the ones I don't have, the same happens with my money, is damn transparent...!:mad::biggrin:

Balsam Poplar Tree
Black Poplar Tree, recognised by its dark glossy bark
Carolina Poplar Tree
Chinese Necklace Poplar Tree
Eastern Cottonwood Tree, Populus deltoides
European White Poplar Tree, Populus alba
Gray Poplar Tree, a natural hybrid between the European aspen and white poplar.
Hybrid Carolina Poplar Tree, usally planted as ornamental tree
Lombardy Poplar Tree
Mexico Poplar Tree
Japanese Poplar Tree
White Poplar Tree, native to northern coastal Africa, Russia and Siberia.
Yellow Poplar Tree, also known as Tulip Tree.

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I see that the guesses keep cumming and for that, thank you...!

I will close this game tomorrow night (my time) but in the meantime, I can put a bit a wood in the fire by saying that, I'm happy with the species name as the most common name used to identify these trees and that would the the "Poplar tree".

As mentioned previously, there are many types of Poplar trees, the most common being the white and black Poplars however and if this case, if you take a good look at the bark particularly if you recall the Poplar pics I put on the thread "A problem that I don't mind to have" when I found the Poplar burl that is this case are from the Black Poplar, the other Poplar log show in detail the diamond shaped bark, one of the most important identifiers of the white Poplar so, the log in this game is from a white Poplar but, I will accept any answers with only Poplar as the tree species.

Poor Kelly, he feels left out now that I gave a bunch of hints...!:frown:

Well, I have good news for you, I extended the number of guesses sets from 3 to 4, I hate to see my friends unhappy but that is all you are going to get so, give me your best shot, the same goes for everyone else, you all have one more chance to get it right...! I'm such a nice fellow, am I...?:eek::rolleyes::biggrin: Why yes you are Georgie!!!


Whine and you shall receive! :crying:

Ol' Number 4

White Poplar
47 lbs
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What...?? I know of a few Poplar species but "transparent"...? the only transparent one I know are the ones I don't have, the same happens with my money, is damn transparent...!:mad::biggrin:

Balsam Poplar Tree
Black Poplar Tree, recognised by its dark glossy bark
Carolina Poplar Tree
Chinese Necklace Poplar Tree
Eastern Cottonwood Tree, Populus deltoides
European White Poplar Tree, Populus alba
Gray Poplar Tree, a natural hybrid between the European aspen and white poplar.
Hybrid Carolina Poplar Tree, usally planted as ornamental tree
Lombardy Poplar Tree
Mexico Poplar Tree
Japanese Poplar Tree
White Poplar Tree, native to northern coastal Africa, Russia and Siberia.
Yellow Poplar Tree, also known as Tulip Tree.

I beg to differ George. You mention Transparent Poplar in your list above right after Yellow Poplar and every picture you've posted of your place is proof that you have a yard full of it! :biggrin:
And the winner is...?

Well, well, my clues still didn't work that well, was it deliberate...?? who, me...??? never...!:)

Anyway, I got some interesting results and as the pics attached would demonstrate,


no one got it right and not as close as I was expecting but, it is what it is and I take the results given...!

Amazingly, Kelly (Krash) on his very last guess, and after all that "crying":) he pulled the closest numbers of everyone else, inch by inch and kilo/pound by kg/lbs, his guess was the closest in both cases, dimensions and weight.

His 17" x 10.5" was the closest to the 16" x 10" required, the same goes for the log weight, his 47lbs/21.31kg was the closest to the 46.14lbs/20.93kg so, there is no doubt, Mr. Kelly is once more and after some time away, the winner of the Mr. Anonimous game #34

Congratulations mate, you haven't lost your touch...!:wink::biggrin:

You know what to do, don't forget of the new game requirements for the use of the vouchers amount (blanks types 1/3 of each or so)

My sincere thank you to all the participated in this game, we shall continue to have some fun...!

Oh wow .... I thought from the very beginning that it was some sort of poplar but my last guess was a clueless shot in the dark, especially the weight since I was working with a density of 28 lbs per cubic foot which, in the end, was not the correct weight per cubic foot for some reason, maybe because it was wet. I had 16x10 on my list and was my first choice (for my last guess) but chose the larger size to get the weight closer to Georges clue.

Anyway, thank you! It is always fun to play these games and exercise our brains a bit! :wink:

I'll PM you.
Oh wow .... I thought from the very beginning that it was some sort of poplar but my last guess was a clueless shot in the dark, especially the weight since I was working with a density of 28 lbs per cubic foot which, in the end, was not the correct weight per cubic foot for some reason, maybe because it was wet. I had 16x10 on my list and was my first choice (for my last guess) but chose the larger size to get the weight closer to Georges clue.

Wow, you actually put some thought into it :eek: I was just shooting from the hip :biggrin:

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