Lou Metcalf has passed away.

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Aug 12, 2007
No longer confused....
Have just been informed that Lou Metcalf has passed away tonight. He was a member here on IAP for a good number of years and has helped advance pen turning. Sadly the details are missing as to what happened but more will follow I am sure.
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Have just been informed that Lou Metcalf has passed away tonight. He was a member here on IAP for a good number of years and has helped advance pen turning. Sadly the details are missing as to what happened but more will follow I am sure.
Thank you for passing along the info. I'll light a candle and say a prayer for him and his family
I just found this out and I'm so happy that last May Dee and I had the opportunity to be with Lou for a day and have dinner with him. I'm lucky as I considered him a friend and he considered me a friend. I don't cry, but this has brought tears.
Him and Eagle are now together playing sweet music. Good buy my friend.
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DCBluesman One of the originals here on the IAP. Every once in a while I look back at some old pen photos and it usually leads to threads from back then and to look at the names again always brought a smile. There was just something different about this site back then that I was never able to really put a finger on but it sure was fun. Those were the days when so much of this stuff was so new to all of us. We were learning on the job as they say. They were the pioneers and it has been passed down. We must continue to do so.

Rest in Peace Lou. It sure is a sad day.

One of his pens that always stuck in my head. Another technique that does not get used any more.


This is the pen of his that I have saved that I want to try to duplicate. It is on my memory tour list. Not an easy pen to duplicate.

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So long my friend. It was an honour to know you and it was a pleaseure to meet you and Eagle.
My admiration for Lou was high. Although, I never got the opportunity to correspond with him much, the admiration remains. It is sad news.
Very Sad day for the penturner World it was the first President here on IAP and the one who created the PITH (Pen In The Hat ) So long Lou you are a LEGEND rest in peace as you are now in a better world
I didn't have the pleasure of meeting him, but after reading these posts, I am sad I didn't get the chance. My condolences to his family in this time of mourning. :(
Sad news, thoughts and prayers to the family. The man had an impressive body of work and by all accounts much more. For the friends of his on the board my condolences to you as well.
Brother Lou was, and always will be, an inspiration to many of us who have been here for years. His work stands far and above others. If you are fortunate enough to have one of his pens cherish it.

May Lou rest in the glory that is only found in Heaven following an honorable life here on Earth.
I'm saddened to read this.
It's been a while since we last communicated and he seemed to be doing good.
So long my friend. Rest in peace and say hi to Eagle when y'all get together to catch up.
Lou's articles and web site thaught me most of what I know about fountain pens and their care an maintenance. He'll be missed but his written words will continue to inspire. Gods Speed Lou!
I just found this out and I'm so happy that last May Dee and I had the opportunity to be with Lou for a day and have dinner with him. I'm lucky as I considered him a friend and he considered me a friend. I don't cry, but this has brought tears.
Him and Eagle are now together playing sweet music. Good buy my friend.

Like Eagle, I never met Lou personally, but enjoyed many conversations on the phone. Conversed by a couple of PM's with him when some of his blanks were being sold recently. Praying for his family.
I am sad to hear of this. I remember Lou as the first president of the IAP, back when we did such things. What a talent! Peace be with you, Lou!

I didn't know Lou and I don't remember seeing any of his work but it sounds like he was an inspiration to many people.
I hope his family finds peace in his passing.
I never met Lou personally, but I've held him in the highest regard since I first joined the IAP nine years ago. I've read virtually all he has written, both articles and IAP posts, and I am a better turner and pen maker for it. Thank you, Lou, and Godspeed.
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