Lazer engraving

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You might check with your local Woodcraft store and see if they have a contact that does custom engraving. The next option would be trophy shops. I had a source locally, but he got a real job and now he takes forever to put a name on a pen.
I use a guy local to me, too. I got his name from a Woodcraft employee.

If you don't need it right away, there's a good deal of guys on here that you can ship the blanks to.

I use a guy local to me, too. I got his name from a Woodcraft employee.

If you don't need it right away, there's a good deal of guys on here that you can ship the blanks to.

Can you provide names?

Thanks, sorry: I'm new to the forum...:redface:
I cannot find his number, as I am at work, but if you just call our local Woodcraft store and ask them for a local guy that does pen engraving they can give you his number.
I use a guy local to me, too. I got his name from a Woodcraft employee.

If you don't need it right away, there's a good deal of guys on here that you can ship the blanks to.

Can you provide names?

Thanks, sorry: I'm new to the forum...:redface:
Texas is a big state. It would be helpful if we knew where in Texas your located.
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