How would you recover?

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Jul 1, 2014
I had a little extra money recently from a pen sale and splurged, getting myself a couple of Marla's beautiful Yuzen Chiyogami blanks from Roy at Classic Nib. First one - a Sierra - went well and I gifted it to my wife. The blank was exceptional and it turned out beautifully and I need to get some pictures of it. :)

The second one - a Jr. series - started out well. Turning the upper portion went fine. However, turning the lower section I twitched while just starting to turn one of the ends - before it was even round - and took out a chunk. I have Tourette Syndrome, so it was an involuntary twitch that got me. The problem has nothing to do with the blank - that was beautifully done and exceptionally well made and it turned quite well, so it's definitely a user error here. Yeah, story of my life, lol! :redface:

You can see in the attached pics where the chunk came out and where I CA'd it back in place. It's at the lower end of the section and goes in about 1/2", but you can also see where it lifted the resin from the material when the chunk came out.

My question is, how would you recover or proceed from here? My intentions with this pen was to try and sell it - obviously I won't be doing that now. Would you turn a piece of complimentary wood for the lower barrel? Turn off the lower end of the barrel and do an oops ring? Or simply assemble and give to a family member or friend?

Right now I'm most likely going to simply assemble the pen and give it to my wife - she's already indicated that she'd love to have it, even with the flaws that are now present in it.

Just for curiosity's sake, and for filing away for future reference, I was wondering what you would do if you found yourself in this situation. This is the first time I've had a tube-in cast blank blow out on me. Thanks!


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My question is, how would you recover or proceed from here? My intentions with this pen was to try and sell it - obviously I won't be doing that now. Would you turn a piece of complimentary wood for the lower barrel? Turn off the lower end of the barrel and do an oops ring? Or simply assemble and give to a family member or friend?

Can't tell you How To Recover but it's great time to learn. A wooden or acrylic lower body would work. Use your creative talent for contrast. Would make a great gift or simply use it as a sample or daily carry.
On a blank like that I would take my time and trim it real slow. I'd move like a snail with airbrakes.
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I have patched chips with thin (5 caps) CA glue and some times it works, and some time you can see it is a patch. I would not sell one patched that way, but my wife does add those to her accumulation.

The blank can be recast and the chip disappears. Just need to be reprocessed and turned. There are a bunch of casters who can recast it for a nominal sum.
Marla did use Polyester Clear Casting Resin that is made in Vancouver. Unfortunately we are heading to the Prairies and I am packing up the shop and house into shipping containers. Marla is already there and we will be in an apartment for up to a year until we can get a house and SHOP built. Notice what is important to me. ;) Otherwise she would make you a new one. Tell Roy and if he has another blank he'll send it to you and we'll settle up with him when Marla is casting again.
Thank you for the input, everyone! I didn't know that it could be re-cast - if I'd have known that I wouldn't have tried to glue it back together and would have seen about having someone recast it for me!

Or maybe swap it with the one you gave your wife and sell that one?

Rick, I'll let you ask my wife that question! :wink: She puts up with me and my hobby and is my biggest supporter - and has a growing collection of pens I've made for her or she's pilfered off my desk. If anything, I'd be inclined for her to have them both instead of take the first one away from her. She's a special lady for putting up with me!

Marla did use Polyester Clear Casting Resin that is made in Vancouver. Unfortunately we are heading to the Prairies and I am packing up the shop and house into shipping containers. Marla is already there and we will be in an apartment for up to a year until we can get a house and SHOP built. Notice what is important to me. ;) Otherwise she would make you a new one. Tell Roy and if he has another blank he'll send it to you and we'll settle up with him when Marla is casting again.

Pete, that is extremely generous of you and Marla, and was definitely not necessary - especially when the fault lies nowhere in the realm of the blank nor the makers! I was only thinking about how to best recover from something like this for future reference! Thank you very much! I'll contact Roy - but I will be back in the future to buy more. These were the first two of Marla's blanks I've purchased, but they won't be the last. I had fun pointing out to my wife all the attentions to detail I found in these blanks and she absolutely LOVES the one that I made into her pen. (Attached pic that she took of it.) Yes, the shop is more important! ;) Hope the rest of the move and the building of the house and shop go well for the two of you!


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on it's way

I just saw this post and I only have one of Marla's Jr. Yuzen blanks left in stock and it is a different one but it is yours and it will be on its way to you in the AM. There will be no charge for it, consider it an early Christmas gift or late birthday gift:biggrin:, Actually just because :). Here is a photo of the replacement, as you can see it is different but will make a nice pen.
I just saw this post and I only have one of Marla's Jr. Yuzen blanks left in stock and it is a different one but it is yours and it will be on its way to you in the AM. There will be no charge for it, consider it an early Christmas gift or late birthday gift:biggrin:, Actually just because :). Here is a photo of the replacement, as you can see it is different but will make a nice pen.

Wow - thank you very much, Roy! (And I already have an e-mail with a tracking number!) Just as nice as the other blank and I'll be looking forward to making it into a pen - hopefully no twitches in my arm this time! (Now my wife might try to use this as an excuse to get out of buying me a birthday gift next month, lol!)
Super classy Pete and Roy!!!!! That's what I love bout this community, people are willing to help. I had a similar issue where I goofed up a blank, my own novice fault and asked Exotic Blanks when they would get more and they sent me the partially turned sample they used for website photo free of charge because they weren't sure when they would get more. Saved a sale for me and I am eternally grateful. BTW, those are gorgeous blanks from Marla!
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