Searching for Exotic Blank-ANCIENT MARS

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Mar 15, 2007
Hi everyone......
A few years back I made a pen for a friend from one of Exotic Blanks inventory called ANCIENT MARS. Someone saw it and wants a few pens from it. Unfortunately, Exotic Blanks no longer makes them so I contacted Ed and Dawn who looked in their back-room inventory to see if they might have a few left over, no luck. Dawn suggested I reach out to some of you who might have a few stashed away that you would be willing to part with - sell, trade, steal, beg, etc.
The pic shows what it looks like.
Thank you in advance !!!


  • Exotic blank.jpg
    Exotic blank.jpg
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Hey Bob!!
While you can still edit the thread, you may want to add "ancient mars" to your title.

We sold a ton of it.

Hope you find a couple!!
Hey Ed and Dawn...I would also be intrested in a few of those too...anybody else??

The problem is:

1) Time: I am THRILLED to tell you we are very well entertained just keeping up to

2) Stink: At our current location, we are next door to a bar (yes, in Wisconsin there IS a bar on every block, but this one is popular, real people all day and most of the night). So, if we tried to pour resin, we figure about three hours later we would meet every regulator in the city, citing us for pollution (no need to read the MSDS).

Don't despair, buying a new location is on our "to do" list, but will probably not happen until 2016 (or later). Wherever we move, we WILL be able to pour--PR Princess will rise again!!!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Happy to put this one in the mail to you tomorrow. :biggrin:


Bob, I have 2 of those blanks. Are you in much of a hurry?

Both of you are life savers! I'm looking for (3). I'll take whatever I can get whenever I can get them.....and I fully expect to pay for them and the shipping.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
KARMA is your friend~

If you are in need of more and willing to pay shipping from Canada, I have 2 I could sell.

Best regards,
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