Closing The Shop

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Aug 16, 2005
Sequim, WA, USA.
Pen making has run it's course with me, I'm just burned out. As I get things sorted out I will be posting pen related stuff on the Deals and Trade forum so if you are looking for some deals take a look. If you are looking for a deal drop me a PM.
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Pen turning is sort of cyclic....I'm into bowls mostly and maybe some stopper stuff. But I will probably go back to pens soon.

That said, maybe you should hang on to your 'stock', because from what I've seen you'll just about need to pay people to take the stuff, and when you go to replace everything later(when you have had your deserved 'vacation') might be expensive?

Scott (I need a hair cut....again) B
Pen turning is sort of cyclic....I'm into bowls mostly and maybe some stopper stuff. But I will probably go back to pens soon.

That said, maybe you should hang on to your 'stock', because from what I've seen you'll just about need to pay people to take the stuff, and when you go to replace everything later(when you have had your deserved 'vacation') might be expensive?

Scott (I need a hair cut....again) B

As far as I am concerned your post is totally inapprorpriate, uncalled for and presuming that I don't know what I am doing. You have a bit of growing up and learning ahead of you before you come on as a know it all.
Even though I recently got into pen making I wish you the very best on your next endeavors. I wish I would have got here sooner.
Pen turning is sort of cyclic....I'm into bowls mostly and maybe some stopper stuff. But I will probably go back to pens soon.

That said, maybe you should hang on to your 'stock', because from what I've seen you'll just about need to pay people to take the stuff, and when you go to replace everything later(when you have had your deserved 'vacation') might be expensive?

Scott (I need a hair cut....again) B

As far as I am concerned your post is totally inapprorpriate, uncalled for and presuming that I don't know what I am doing. You have a bit of growing up and learning ahead of you before you come on as a know it all.

As an outsider here, I think I can offer some context. "Scott" offered a bundle of starting equipment for making clay pen blanks. There were few responses and he seemed (imho) to be annoyed at the lack of interest. He ended up sending it to the dump in lieu of waiting for further interest or lower offers.

I believe his response has more to do with his bitterness about the lack of interest in his offering than anything personal toward you.

That aside, I am not too much of a presence around here unfortunately, but I would like to pass along my best wishes to you in whatever your future may bring.
Pen turning is sort of cyclic....I'm into bowls mostly and maybe some stopper stuff. But I will probably go back to pens soon.

That said, maybe you should hang on to your 'stock', because from what I've seen you'll just about need to pay people to take the stuff, and when you go to replace everything later(when you have had your deserved 'vacation') might be expensive?

Scott (I need a hair cut....again) B

As far as I am concerned your post is totally inapprorpriate, uncalled for and presuming that I don't know what I am doing. You have a bit of growing up and learning ahead of you before you come on as a know it all.
I didn't read any of that in Scott's post.
I only stumbled upon your work today and found it outstanding. May you spend your time as you see fit and perhaps continue to bless others with the "work" of those hands.

Be well.
Pen turning is sort of cyclic....I'm into bowls mostly and maybe some stopper stuff. But I will probably go back to pens soon.

That said, maybe you should hang on to your 'stock', because from what I've seen you'll just about need to pay people to take the stuff, and when you go to replace everything later(when you have had your deserved 'vacation') might be expensive?

Scott (I need a hair cut....again) B

As far as I am concerned your post is totally inapprorpriate, uncalled for

and presuming that I don't know what I am doing. You have a bit of growing up and learning ahead of you before you come on as a know it all.

Maybe I too will sound out of place, yy interpretation of Scott's post was " It'll cost a lot more $$$ to replace the equipment used to make your fine pens, if and when, the bug bites again and you wish to start making pen once more. I really do not believe anyone has a leg to stand on regarding your craftsmanship". I wish you only the best as you venture on in your journey. Be well......Jan
I am fairly new on the IAP forum but from what I have seen of your work it is amazing and to quote Jan

" I really do not believe anyone has a leg to stand on regarding your craftsmanship"

God Bless you and may your next interest give you as much pleasure as pen turning once did.

Please watch for a PM.
Hi Dick:

As I related in my PM, your work is excellent and I wish you only the best in the future.

Just my opinion: In reading Scott's posts in the few years I've been active - he has been VERY positive in IAP. He may have a "unique" sense of humor at times (which I actually like), but I don't think there was any intent to be sarcastic or "tell you what to do," In fact I believe he was trying to be sympathetic for someone that "was burned out" (your term).

Sometimes, a change in activities is helpful, and after a while we go back to things we love to do.

And I'M NOT telling you what to do. You are the best person to decide what course is appropriate for you.

Best Regards, Mark
Hi Dick

I just want to take a minute to offer you thanks for sharing your work through the years.
I've always enjoyed looking at the beautiful things you make and I hope you continue making beautiful objects.

Thank you,
Pen turning is sort of cyclic....I'm into bowls mostly and maybe some stopper stuff. But I will probably go back to pens soon.

That said, maybe you should hang on to your 'stock', because from what I've seen you'll just about need to pay people to take the stuff, and when you go to replace everything later(when you have had your deserved 'vacation') might be expensive?

Scott (I need a hair cut....again) B

As far as I am concerned your post is totally inapprorpriate, uncalled for and presuming that I don't know what I am doing. You have a bit of growing up and learning ahead of you before you come on as a know it all.

I have read quite a few of Scott's posts in the past, and I really think you are taking his meaning the wrong way. Based on his previous posts, I feel like he is referring to the market conditions, not you, your work, or the way you care for your tools. If I read his post correctly, it sounds like he is saying that places like craigs list have people expecting things for free.

well that's the way I understood it when I read it, I felt I had to speak up because I hate to see people getting mad at each other over a misunderstood comment.
Good Grief Charlie Brown

All the man said was he was not going to be turning pens anymore and had some tools and other things he would be putting in the "Deals" forum....He didn't ask for advice on how to do it.
If that's the case just put the stuff in the "Deals" forum and don't start a thread about it particularly if you don't want to read comments about what you're doing. Nothing has been said that warranted the cranky response.
If that's the case just put the stuff in the "Deals" forum and don't start a thread about it particularly if you don't want to read comments about what you're doing. Nothing has been said that warranted the cranky response.
If this was intended to reply to my last post.
1) I didn't start a thread about "it" WHALER is the OP of this thread and he has not posted since #7 in the thread so there is a better than fair possibility that he is not even following the thread.

2)Whether anything was said that warranted a "cranky" response or not is a matter of opinion. Obviously Whaler did not have the same opinion you and some others have.:rolleyes:

I am not going to follow this thread anymore myself.
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If that's the case just put the stuff in the "Deals" forum and don't start a thread about it particularly if you don't want to read comments about what you're doing. Nothing has been said that warranted the cranky response.
If this was intended to reply to my last post.
1) I didn't start a thread about "it" WHALER is the OP of this thread and he has not posted since #7 in the thread so there is a better than fair possibility that he is not even following the thread.
I don't think that Pat meant 'you' specifically. Rather, he was using it as a third person indefinite pronoun. Consider if he had written it more formally as "One should not start a thread about an issue if one does not wish to receive comments about it."
2)Whether anything was said that warranted a "cranky" response or not is a matter of opinion. Obviously Whaler did not have the same opinion you and some others have.:rolleyes:
i think that's pretty obvious. Still, there's no harm in letting him know that he appears to have misread the situation.
If that's the case just put the stuff in the "Deals" forum and don't start a thread about it particularly if you don't want to read comments about what you're doing. Nothing has been said that warranted the cranky response.
If this was intended to reply to my last post.
1) I didn't start a thread about "it" WHALER is the OP of this thread and he has not posted since #7 in the thread so there is a better than fair possibility that he is not even following the thread.
I don't think that Pat meant 'you' specifically. Rather, he was using it as a third person indefinite pronoun. Consider if he had written it more formally as "One should not start a thread about an issue if one does not wish to receive comments about it."
2)Whether anything was said that warranted a "cranky" response or not is a matter of opinion. Obviously Whaler did not have the same opinion you and some others have.:rolleyes:
i think that's pretty obvious. Still, there's no harm in letting him know that he appears to have misread the situation.
[B}That's why I prefaced my comments with the highlighted. The wording of the post I replied to actually could be either directed at me or a general comment.[/B]
Awwww.. Dick, I'm so sorry to see you leave. We are neighbor practically in Sequim! I havn't seen this thread or I would have stopped by to get some of those blanks, but it's ok. I have a bunch of pen making stuff coming this week. your work is excellent and I do enjoy all the pens shown in the forums. I only wish mine were that good but with practice,, they will be I'm sure.. Take care,, Fay
If that's the case just put the stuff in the "Deals" forum and don't start a thread about it particularly if you don't want to read comments about what you're doing. Nothing has been said that warranted the cranky response.
If this was intended to reply to my last post.
1) I didn't start a thread about "it" WHALER is the OP of this thread and he has not posted since #7 in the thread so there is a better than fair possibility that he is not even following the thread.
I don't think that Pat meant 'you' specifically. Rather, he was using it as a third person indefinite pronoun. Consider if he had written it more formally as "One should not start a thread about an issue if one does not wish to receive comments about it."
2)Whether anything was said that warranted a "cranky" response or not is a matter of opinion. Obviously Whaler did not have the same opinion you and some others have.:rolleyes:
i think that's pretty obvious. Still, there's no harm in letting him know that he appears to have misread the situation.
[B}That's why I prefaced my comments with the highlighted. The wording of the post I replied to actually could be either directed at me or a general comment.[/B]

I hear you.
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