New "glow in the dark" Dwarf Banksia pod Resifills...!

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Aug 6, 2009
Australia - SA Adelaide Hills
Hi peoples,

I have mentioned a few weeks back that I was going to experiment making some of these blanks with a new product called "Illuminous Powder" also known as "Glow in the dark".

I had some still left from this year's yield from my auto-mechanic friend. and I have been letting them dry in my over for many hours at 60°C.

Last Thursday, I had to see a specialist at the Flinders Hospital, not far from Adelaide and asked for my wife to drive, as I don't drive much anymore, that turn out to be a good thing as I have plenty of time to look for stuff/trees on the side of the road and that was exactly what happened in my way back home and only a few miles down from the hospital, when at one of the Service Stations on my side of the road, I spotted at first one large Dwarf Banksia tree that didn't have much foliage so I could see the pods clearly, and in a blink of an eye, I was instructed the wife to turn back, which scared the heck out of her and she panic for a little wile as the traffic was nasty.

Anyway, we turned around and stooped at this Service Station, where that tree and one other were, and where the water and air outlets are installed for people to use.

I couldn't believe my eyes, looking at that tree, standing about 10 meters tall, with plenty of ready pods to pic, as the ground was littered with the very old pods that fall to the ground, those are totally useless...!

I was already amazed just looking at that tree when I looked around to give a better look at the one only a few meters away, only to realise that was another Dwarf Banksia but this was had a very dark and thick foliage/canopy, so thick I had to focus to actually see the pods, and after a closer inspection, if I though the first tree had plenty of pods, this other tree as triple the amount, with a couple of thousand pods, at the right age to be picked.

I went looking for the manager of the place, while I was drooling so bad that I though it would be too obvious so, after looking around, I found the person in charge, and ask if we could pic some pods, as I make stuff with them, his response was, that as many as you want, the damn things are making a mess on the ground and we have to sweep that area every day...!

What a lovely song my ears were listening, I walked back to the vehicle, with a big smile in my face, the wife knew straight away what that meant "Green light...!":wink::biggrin:

We picked up a bag of about 300 or so pods, only a few will make full size blanks but, I could see that high up in both trees, were a fair few that will make the longer blanks so, I have to set up a day to take the trailer, a long leader, some pruning scissors, an extension pole with a cutter at its tip top cut the ones at the very top of the trees and plenty of big bags.

I known that we will make a big mess getting the pods down so, we need to take all the gear to clean the area before we leave so, there will be no shortage of these pods for some years...!:eek::wink::biggrin:

I have never used this fine powder, very heavy with a slight yellow(ish) colour.
Expensive as hell, it came with no instructions or suggestions so, I mixed some on a resin mix container, where I had some yellow Pearlex, I use about 1/3 of whatever the amount I use of the Pearlex yellow, mixed it all very well and pour on a double stack mold with these half pods, aligned up as if they were a single blank.

I had another 2 molds with some other colours and in the morning when I got the molds out of the pressure pot, I was excited to find out if the mold with the illuminous powder blanks would glow in the dark or not.

When I removed the blanks from the mold, I could see a "strange" green colours mixed with the yellow but, was patchy within the blanks so, after a few hours in the sun, I turned/sample one to have a look, with the CA finish on it. By then, was almost dark so I keep looking at it and I could see any glow but, when I went to turn the bandsaw light of, as soon as I did, I could see all these bits of resin glowing, all around the bandsaw table, those were the thin trimmings from cutting the blanks to size on the bandsaw however, looking at the blanks, everything was dark so I though that, the yellow Pearlex powder may have cut the illuminous powder capability to show.

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At that point I though that, I may require to use the straight illuminous powder on the clear resin and figure out what natural colour this stuff comes up to, when is mixed as I believe the green(ish) I could see of the blanks, was the reaction of mixing it with the yellow powder.

I need to find out so yesterday I prepared some more pods and made another 4 molds, 2 of which had only the straight illuminous powder with the clear resin, how much did I use of it..? well, the bottle is small and comes 2/3 empty so, there is not a lot of powder for $20.00 so, I used about 3/4 of what I had left, add the catalyst and proceed to stir and stir and stir, the glass jar I was using is clear glass and I could see most of the illuminous powder set at the jar bottom and it didn't seem that would dissolve any more so, I got my paint mixer head, put in an a drill and gave it a hell of a spin but, some of that stuff was stuck on the bottom and didn't want to dissolve so I cut my losses and poured the mix over the 2 molds.

I had also another 2 molds with 2 other colours as I'm attempting do make a large batch to finish with the resin drum I have, I will have then, lots of blanks made to last me a long time, well, that's the plan, anyway...!:)

I turned/sample 1 blank of these 2 molds I poured last night to see it 100% illuminous powder, there is, a quantity that I don't know if sufficient or not for the 1 litre of resin used. The colour is a semi transparent pearlish white(ish) and I was quite disappointed after I finished as it didn't seem to was glowing at all, it was also dark when I finish it so I turn the light off and I couldn't see a thing, while holding the blanks in my hand.

I come to the house with it, to show to the wife and let her know my second attempt was also a failure in respect to the glowing in the dark issue when, all of a certain, she turned the table light to have a better/closer look, and after she confirmed that she couldn't see any glowing, the turned the light off, and the blank become alive, was then when I remembered that most illuminous materials require a source of light before the glow activate, to strongest the light, the more glow it produces...!

So, I proceed to attempt taking some pics of the glowing, using a strong flash-light and my camera that it took lots of tries before I could find a setting that would see the glow in the dark.

Below, are some examples of what I endup with however, I will need to do the same test with the light on the other blanks I made first, the one above, I reckon, I will be having some glow, I'm not expecting as much as I only used a small percentage of the illuminous powder but, it will be interesting to see if mixing it with another coloured powder, the glow is still present, to a certain degree, will see...!

I think that, the batch I have on the pressure pot for tomorrow, is probably all I will do with these dwarf Banksia pods, for awhile, I have lots of other blanks that need done, also...!



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Don't need to panic guys and gals, I should have enough for everyone to have a got at for now and if not, I will be getting another 20lt drum of PR and I just ordered a 500gr bottle of illuminous powder that costs a "bundle", actually, I worked out yesterday that, each full size blank or 2 halves still attached together as all the ones I done recently are the cost of the illuminous powder per blank works out about about AU$1 extra dollar so, the prices will be AU$9.00 for 2 halves together and AU$10.00 for a single full size blanks (none done yet, I need more of the longer pods...!)

The blanks without this illuminous powder will be AU$8 for 2 halves together and AU$9.00 for a full size blank (same as before...!):)

Another change is the way I will present these blanks, that will be the same as the packs that will go on eBay, in fact, you will only see the packs on my eBay store, that will save me to double up on making an IAP add with pics and all, it will be a lot easier for me to display what I have on my eBay store, which I already pay enough monthly rental/fees to "display" my items there so, you will have 2 options, buy direct from the eBay store and the price is what is listed or, have a look and let me know through PM the item(s) you want to order directly.

The minimum purchase is 4 blanks, that will allow the 250gr (AU$9.00) padded envelop option to continue as the minimum weight for a parcel, YOU SELECT THE 4 COLOURS, any colours including the "glow in the dark" blanks, no restrictions on any colours or quantities, you can buy in increments of 4, that will allow the 250gr. increments allowed by Australia Post, to work well so, it will be, 250gr. (4xblanks), 500gr. (8xblanks), 750gr. (12xblanks) or 1kg. (16xblanks)...!

The payment conditions and everything is the same BUT, when you order direct, you get 10% OFF the listed price of the blanks, only, you save 10% as I'm not going to pay eBay fees on that sale...!:wink::)

These are the same conditions to any items you see on my eBay store however, when I list new stuff or replenish older stock, that I feel may be of importance to my IAP friends, I will use my Vendors Forum to announce a new listed items, with a direct link to it.

For those that don't buy from eBay, nothing changes, I'm not asking you to buy from there, the eBay store will be the place where my items for sale will be displayed, I only need you to copy and past the title of the listing or the item number into a PM and send it to me, and we will do the transaction directly, as before, as simple as that...! I hope.:biggrin:

I just took the last 4 molds for now, from the pressure pot into the sunshine for a few hours, I should be able to get the pics of each sample colour ready for tomorrow posting, I will then and after I get these last batch cut up on the bandsaw, I have all the blanks cast (over 100) to be sanded on the disc sander and then sprayed with the gloss varnish, that will be another day before they can go anywhere however, as soon as the samples are photographed, you guys can start making orders, by the time they get to you, they will be set properly...!:wink::biggrin:

Don't panic, I know where I can get more pods any time so, if not this time, you will get some nest time...!:wink:

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OK peoples, a little more info...!

I took some pics of the first glow in the dark blanks I made, the first blanks shown on my opening post, sure they are not as powerful as I only used 25% or less of the illuminous powder but it works, as I though it would, I just needed to get a strong hand torch/light and then take the pic quit fast before the glow would disappear...!

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I have also cut the blanks from the molds removed from the pressure pot this morning and in the afternoon I got them all sanded and then sprayed with gloss varnish.

I took some pics of the group/batch after I got it varnished and then attempted to take an individual pic of each colour I made, some colours have only 7 blanks while other have 13.

Anyway, here they are for you to enjoy, I identified each pic/colour with a letter, that is what will identify each colour group...!

Regular colours are AU$8.00 each, 25% glow in the dark is AU$9.00 each and 100% glow in the dark is AU$10.00 each. Keep in mind that, all these blanks in this post are made with 2 small pods as before but, I left them as they were cast, and there is, attached/joined is pairs...! Any full size pods/blanks cast that I make, I will kep them separate from these and you will be clearly notified/informed of what they are, either joined shorts or a full size pod cast...!

Have fun...!



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Just turned down one of the original dwarf blanks and it looks stunning!
Will definitely be keeping an eye on these, especially that Violet colour and posibly a yellow if you do them again!
Now on sale, Dwarf Banksia pod pen blanks, various colours, joined 2 halves..!

OK peoples, sorry for the delay, I had a fall last week and I hurt my ribs, nothing broken my, these things hurt like hell and any slight movement it feels that someone in punching knifes on you...!:eek::redface:. I still have a bunch to sand and varnish but, I will get them done very soon, I hope...!

Half of the ones on the last pics, are still available and some more of the most sold colours, are ready to finish so, I'm not going to list them on my eBay store, there are not enough to cover both places and I'm a little down at the moment to work in the workshop so, all I have will be offered here.

So, I will list here, the number of blanks of each colour I have made,(including the ones I need to finish), I don't really want to put restrictions on anything, particularly on the number of blanks from the same colours each person is allowed to order but, I would appreciate if you guys and gals, accept that, everyone would like to have a colour variety and that, I will be making more in the near future, in fact, I'm open to requests/orders to have a specific number of blanks made of a particular colour, that would be a direct order and would be supplied off these general sales, as time permitting.

I still have lost of pods left and a newly found source for years to come so, there is not reason to panic, I will be doing more, and I will be also be collecting longer pods to allow me to make some with a full length single pod pen blank, for sure...!:wink:


OK lets do this;


-* 250gr. @ AU$9.00 anywhere (capacity of 3 & 1/2 blanks)

-* 500gr @ AU$12.00 anywhere (capacity of 7 blanks)

-* 750gr @ AU$16.00 anywhere (capacity of 10 & 1/2 blanks)

-* 1kg @ AU$21.00 anywhere (capacity of 14 blanks)

Payments made through Paypal

* Blanks

- All colours except the 25% and 100% illuminous @ AU$8.00 each (same price as before of AU$4.00 per small/short) but joined this time, (colours A-B-C-D-E-F-G-J)

- The 25% illuminous blanks are AU$9.00 each

- The 100% illuminous blanks are AU$10.00 each

Please, select your colours and quantities and make your order through here (this post) or via PM, information will be sent to you, on how to proceed.

-List of blanks available to be updated as they sell...!

* Colour - A (sky blue) = 4
* Colour - B (Red Russet) = 6
* Colour - C (Forest Green) = 6
* Colour - D (Dark blue) = 6
* Colour - E (Duo green) = 6
* Colour - F (Purple/violet) = 6
* Colour - G (Lite blue) = 6
* Colour - J (Yellow) = 6
* 25% Illuminous blanks = 4
* 100% Illuminous blanks = 0

Thank you,
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I'd like:
2 each 100% illum
1 each A, dark blue
1 each F, violet

I guess us cali boys think alike.

Thanks George

G'day mate,

Pretty neat, you guys ordering the same thing...! Oh well, no one has an advantage, lets see who makes the prettiest pens....!:wink::biggrin:

Seriously, doesn't really matter, I was just joking..!:)

A PM will follow after this post done...!

Thanks George. Money sent. Hey priusjames, I work in AV and live in MV, so you still have the city to yourself. good color choice though.
shipping update

OK peoples,

Everyone that ordered some of these blanks until this moment, all parcels have been posted this morning, Monday the 17/3/14

Those that ordered a 4 blank set, will receive their blanks with the square corners removed for weight adjustment.

I would prefer not have to do that but, the 4 blanks lately are going over the 250gr. weight limit (including the padded envelop, the lightest shipping option available).

I'm getting approx 28 to 32gr. over the limit, I have 2 options with these 2 half joined shorts and that is, either remove the square corners or have only 3 and 1/2 blanks in that padded envelop.

I had to do this with the #45xx Banksia Hairy pods Resifills that I listed on eBay so I suppose, I have to do the same here to avoid all that extra work and spoil the way the blanks look completed/untouched.

The parcels capacities will go like this;

*- 250gr - capacity of 3 & 1/2 blanks

*- 500gr - capacity of 7 blanks

*- 750gr - capacity of 10 & 1/2 blanks

*- 1kg - capacity of 14 blanks

The blanks prices are maintained the same, AU$8.00 for a joined 2 half blanks, and AU$4.00 for a single half/short blank (the half blank), except for the illuminous that cost $1 to $2 more per blank but, the blank capacity for each size parcel, are the same regardless of what blanks you select.

I like to fit as many blanks as possible on each parcel, paying for empty space is not my thing however, there are times where, I can't quite do it as I would like so, sorry about that...!:)


I would like to take these off your hands:

1 100%
1 "B"
1 "F"
1 "E"

I just couldn't decide which one I would only want as a half blank so I'll pay for the larger envelope.

Shipping will be to California 90278


I would like to take these off your hands:

1 100%
1 "B"
1 "F"
1 "E"

I just couldn't decide which one I would only want as a half blank so I'll pay for the larger envelope.

Shipping will be to California 90278


Thanks Alex,

I don't know if you have realised that, you are going to pay AU$12.00 for a 500gr package and that, you can fit 7 to 8 blanks in it, depending on what they are, wood is always lighter than the Resifills so, you have a few option of what I have on sale on IAP here so, have a look and let me know what you want to do...!


Please forgive me if I missed this, but I have been doing a lot reading up on turning these banksia blanks and I see some differences mentioned between the raw pod and stabilized pod blanks.

Just for clarification (and at the risk of exposing my ignorance of casting) are these raw cast or stabilized cast pods?

I just want to make sure I approach these in the appropriate manner (after reading all the tutorials and posts).


Please forgive me if I missed this, but I have been doing a lot reading up on turning these banksia blanks and I see some differences mentioned between the raw pod and stabilized pod blanks.

Just for clarification (and at the risk of exposing my ignorance of casting) are these raw cast or stabilized cast pods?

I just want to make sure I approach these in the appropriate manner (after reading all the tutorials and posts).


Hi Alex,

You don't have to apologise for asking a question, you have a valid point that others may also be confused about but the answer is very simple.

I use 2 different types of Banksia Pods to make my Resifills with, one is these new Dwarf Banksia hard shell pods and the other is the Banksia Hairy pods.

The Tutorial and most of my blank handling information, relates to the Banksia Hairy pod blanks, that I made originally using the raw pod material and that now, I stabilize with the Cactus Juice and then cast.

These Dwarf Banksia pod Resifills are very stable and certainly not as fragile as the Banksia Hairy pod ones, the pod is used raw as I tested some stabilized and I didn't like the way they turn out, the small seed holes get clogged up with the dry Juice and the resin is unable to fill all the seed holes right to the pod seed inner surface so, is like a layer of dry Cactus juice in between the coloured resin and the seed hole, doesn't look good at all.

Sure, the pod itself is a lot more stable but one has still to apply come caution to the way they are handled. The very first thing is to reduce the lathe speed to 500 to 700RPM max. too much speed = too much vibration and centrifugal forces, shaking/ripping the resin out of the pod seed holes.

The second essential step is the use of the thin CA for every couple of millimeters or so of material removed from the blank to guarantee that the super thin CA will penetrate any of the seep pod holes where the resin main have separated from the turning process however, the process of filling the drilled hole with thin CA before gluing the tube, is in blanks of this nature but not only, one of the best habits to have, this simple step is your best shot at having the material that is close to the tube, the very material that needs to stay in the tube, stabilised/harden/strong enough to prevent being ripped off at the last minute.

So, and while the Dwarf Bankia pod Resifills require some attention to the way they are handled, the blanks that will require all your attention and skill are the Banksia Hairy pods Resifill even after been stabilized. Stabilization did improve the blank stability significantly but, it still is a fragile blank to handle...!

I hope these clarifies your question...!

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G'day peoples,

All members that ordered these Dwarf Banksia blanks up to this moment, all orders have been posted...!

I would like also to inform all of you that, I have cast all the long Dwarf Banksia pods I had and after a couple of direct orders have been completed, I have left 10 (ten) full size pod blanks of the dark blue (True-Blue), they sell at the same price as before AU$9.00 each so, if you were waiting on some, this is your chance...!

Hello George,

PM sent.

G'day peoples,

All members that ordered these Dwarf Banksia blanks up to this moment, all orders have been posted...!

I would like also to inform all of you that, I have cast all the long Dwarf Banksia pods I had and after a couple of direct orders have been completed, I have left 10 (ten) full size pod blanks of the dark blue (True-Blue), they sell at the same price as before AU$9.00 each so, if you were waiting on some, this is your chance...!

Ok peoples, the 10 full size blanks (single pod) advertized, have been sold:)

If there is anyone else that, requires these full size, one pod piece Dwarf Banksia pod Resifills, I suggest you let me know either here or by PM so that I can plan for them when I get some pod pods...!

Thank you,
When will more of these blanks be available? Can I be notified? Thanks, Gary

G'day Gary,

All the pods I had left were used to cast the last batch that I have on my new web-store however, I don't have any of the glow in the dark ones left...!

You are the first person to enquire about them since the last lot I made, I have to get myself together to go and get some more pods from a couple of trees I found a few months ago, full of pods that no one use, the problem is that, I have to be up in a leader and someone with a bag at the bottom, it happens that, I'm not very safe in a step leader at the moment nor the wife (my helper) is able to use her hands much from some Rheumatoid Arthritis that is attacking her fast and furious, I may have to find a couple of young people and drive them to the location, to fill a couple of large bags with them, they will be paid, of course.

How soon would you need some...???

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Dwarf Banksia pod resin filled pen blanks

Hello George,

Thank you for your response. Sorry to hear of you and your wife's health issues. I understand completely!!! No hurry mate, when you get a chance. Take care of you and your wife first!

Best Regards, Gary
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