Fountain pen??? Converter??? YouTube

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Well, for the folks who are REALLY new to penturning, it seems some of the stuff that comes in the plastic bags is a mystery!!!

I have had several phone calls asking me to explain how a fountain pen should go together.

So, here is the answer:
Inking a fountain pen with a converter - YouTube

A little over a minute---my last call on this question lasted 20 times that long and we still were NOT speaking the same language.

So, for all who are unclear on the function of a converter---spend a minute and this will show you.

Once again, if you have suggestions for topics for YouTubes, let me know!!!

This one took about 90 minutes to make and will hopefully show everyone how to use the converter----comments are welcome as are suggestions for how to make the vids better!!

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Could you place the camera on the other side (facing you) so we can see the pen and operation instead of the back of your hands?
If the camera was on the opposite side, behind the bottle of ink, it might help to see the action.

And, I could be completely wrong. I haven't made any videos, so you probably already know the best way of doing it.

Was informative regardless.:wink:

Could you place the camera on the other side (facing you) so we can see the pen and operation instead of the back of your hands?
If the camera was on the opposite side, behind the bottle of ink, it might help to see the action.

And, I could be completely wrong. I haven't made any videos, so you probably already know the best way of doing it.

Was informative regardless.:wink:

Thank you!! You are absolutely correct and I should have known it. Tried to get it done too quickly--thanks for the suggestion
Great video. After the other comments, I too was watching the sweater. I also saw there were other You Tube videos on the same subject.

But here's a different question somewhat related.

How many times can you disconnect the converter before it becomes unusable and begins to leak around the small hole in the end? It would seem that the hole would become enlarged after a few times and the converter wouldn't stay in place.

Do we warn the customer about repeated disconnects making the converter unusable?

Maybe offering a second converter would be a way of securing the sale. Along with a couple of the pre-filled cartridges.
a good suggestion on camera placement, but For me the bulky sweater got in the way more so. Just my unsolicited opine.

It's under 50 degrees in that building.

"The rest of the story": A gentleman called and wanted a short course on fountain pens. As we spoke, it was very difficult to explain, when every term I used "nib, feed, housing" were all terms he did not understand. So, I thought I could make this vid and things would become more obvious.

Took a few hours (there were other things I had planned to do that also needed immediate attention). Then, when I contacted him to tell him it was available, he was on the way to a show so could NOT see it (he said) and needed a PDF with the same information, attached to an email.

Took another hour to get photos and send the PDF.

So, I am posting the information here in hopes it will benefit SOMEONE. Otherwise, I wasted several hours.

This is not meant as "complaining"----just a short explanation that this was NOT a "planned video". Usually, I have no deadline---this time I THOUGHT it would help if it was completed in a couple hours. As it turned out, that was NOT the case.

I guess I would do the same thing if the situation comes up again---but the request for a PDF within a couple hours did make me feel I had wasted a good portion of my day.

So, that was WHY quality became secondary to immediacy.

Great video. After the other comments, I too was watching the sweater. I also saw there were other You Tube videos on the same subject.

But here's a different question somewhat related.

How many times can you disconnect the converter before it becomes unusable and begins to leak around the small hole in the end? It would seem that the hole would become enlarged after a few times and the converter wouldn't stay in place.

Do we warn the customer about repeated disconnects making the converter unusable?

Maybe offering a second converter would be a way of securing the sale. Along with a couple of the pre-filled cartridges.

Rick, when I sold at shows, I always explained that you could use the converter as long as you did not want to change ink color, or clean the nib for some other reason.

Once the converter is in place, there should be no leakage. When you pull it out, I contend you have a high probability of it leaking when reinstalled.

I could be wrong in this assertion, but I would rather err on the side of safety. If you tell a customer he can reinstall the converter and he does, and it leaks----he will consider it YOUR fault that he ruined a shirt. I tried to avoid that scenario.


You're too kind! I take it the individual was on the way to a show to sell his pens and needed the info? Oh well...:rolleyes:

A side question, you mention seeing the little ball moving in the converter...what is it's purpose? I've had people ask and I haven't a clue.....And please take several days to answer you need a break.:confused:
No rest for the wicked!!!

I am making a YouTube. Almost done.

As I understand physics, the ball breaks surface tension and keeps the ink below the air bubble that forms as the ink is used. Without the ball, theoretically, the air would be allowed to flow with the ink, to the feed, making the pen skip.

Now, if anyone has a better answer, I will NOT be offended if you jump in!!!! I am a pen turner.

A fountain pen expert I am NOT!!!!!
And I know it!

You're too kind! I take it the individual was on the way to a show to sell his pens and needed the info? Oh well...:rolleyes:

A side question, you mention seeing the little ball moving in the converter...what is it's purpose? I've had people ask and I haven't a clue.....And please take several days to answer you need a break.:confused:

I get quite a few "entry level" questions about fountain pens. So, yes I am going to start making these vids, since I don't like to use other people's work without their permission and I don't know how to get their permission to use good YouTubes.

I had one very rewarding comment today from a friend. Seems he did NOT know how to put ink in the pen with a converter, either. He thought you took off the converter and put it into the ink. So, my vid served a purpose for him----that is ALWAYS good to hear!!!

Thanks for your comments and question!!!

Did a bit of research...which I guess I could have done before and the consensus is that you hit the "ball" out of the park. Some converter have a tube or spring instead of the ball and it sounds like the glass type don't use any.

I was also of the assumption you had to dip the nib all the way to the housing to get a draw. Sounds a lot less messy the way you explained.

Thanks Ed!
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