Red Madrepelato and new Photo Set-up

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Sep 1, 2007
Midlands, United Kingdom.

Bit of an experiment here!
A new material for me and a new photo setup. Previously I've been photographing outside, but having to wait for the lighting to be just right was driving me mad!

Let me know what you think!

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Excellent photos! The position of the pen is perfect, to display the whole thing. Plus the rock it is leaning on is great for the overall look of the photo.
Honestly, Phil, that is the best photo I have seen of red Madreperlato---and I have seen (and TAKEN) a LOT of photos of that!!!

Both pictures look great Phil. I like how you can see the depth more in the 2nd pic. However, if I were to put up an ad for this pen I'd use the 1st pic. The overall feel is better to my eye.

Btw: Nice pen good job :tongue:
Great photo set up! I think the first brings out the swirling well. Gorgeous pen! Beautiful job! Amazing what a good photo set up does, isn't it.
Great photos, the first is displayed better and to my eye shows the swirls fine but both are graded A+
Great look and really smooth overall lighting. I favor the first photo as well, and if I were to try and improve any way, it would be to find a way to get a little more light on the lower portion, where it's just a wee bit dark. This of course is OK if that's what you're trying to achieve, however for the sake of discussion, something to reflect a little light back from the front left side would probably give it a more even illumination over all.
I'd be interested in a photo of your set up, and the type of camera you used.
Both great photos.
Great look and really smooth overall lighting. I favor the first photo as well, and if I were to try and improve any way, it would be to find a way to get a little more light on the lower portion, where it's just a wee bit dark. This of course is OK if that's what you're trying to achieve, however for the sake of discussion, something to reflect a little light back from the front left side would probably give it a more even illumination over all.

This was just with one light source overhead, I'm think of trying a side illumination with a weaker light source from the left to light the bottom area! But as a simple one light setup, this will dod for the majority of shots. Thanks for the advice and I think you're right in trying a little more lower end light
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