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Jan 2, 2008
Indianapolis, In.
Some of the wind has been taken out of my sail :frown: As it turns out, when I turn on my lathe, it cuts off the compressor in the air conditioner. Due to the limited amps in my shed. I'm looking at going to a 7x16 So, if anyone is interested in this 9x20 with lots of extra tooling, let me know.
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Questions. Questions.

Is there anything else you can turn off? Change to compact fluorescents? Run the lathe with the AC off for a half hour and then turn the lathe off while the AC cools the shop back down? Would it be horrendously expensive to have the service to the shop improved or put a smaller motor on the lathe until you can?
Some of the wind has been taken out of my sail :frown: As it turns out, when I turn on my lathe, it cuts off the compressor in the air conditioner. Due to the limited amps in my shed. I'm looking at going to a 7x16 So, if anyone is interested in this 9x20 with lots of extra tooling, let me know.


I may really be interested!! Let me know the details!

Sorry to hear you couldn't find a work-a -round for it Chuck. I take it a big extension cord off the neighbors house is out of the question.
What about a generator behind the shed. Fire it up only when you need to use the lathe. Also come in handy the next time your area is powerless after a tornado or hurricane. :rolleyes:

Lathe in the house would be a problem too huh?
What about a generator behind the shed. Fire it up only when you need to use the lathe. Also come in handy the next time your area is powerless after a tornado or hurricane. :rolleyes:

Lathe in the house would be a problem too huh?
I suggest one step further ...
Build a nice doghouse behind the shed, and put your generator inside ...
Weatherproof electricity! :wink:
What size is the motor on the 9x20? You must be sailing pretty close to the wind power wise.

Don't know a hell of a lot about power circuits in your neck of the woods but it sounds as though your shed is on the wrong circuit, ie the same circuit as the ones that cut out.

Perhaps it can be hooked up to a different circuit, or better still its' own dedicated circuit.

I would get a sparky in and investigate your options before doing anything else, seems a darn shame to get rid of a nice lathe.
Just looked at your original thread, your Central Machinery 9x20 lathe only has a 3/4hp motor.

This is 550Watts or in other words it draws about 4 Amps (550Watts divided by 120 Volts = 4.5 Amps)

Most 7x14-16 lathes have a 550W motor, ie basically the same current draw as your 9x20, there has to be another reason why your 9x20 is tripping your circuit breaker. You were after all using a 7x Mini Lathe on that circuit before.
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Just looked at your original thread, your Central Machinery 9x20 lathe only has a 3/4hp motor.

This is 550Watts or in other words it draws about 4 Amps (550Watts divided by 120 Volts = 4.5 Amps)

Most 7x14-16 lathes have a 550W motor, ie basically the same current draw as your 9x20, there has to be another reason why your 9x20 is tripping your circuit breaker. You were after all using a 7x Mini Lathe on that circuit before.
Fred, thanks for the help. It does NOT trip the breaker. It DOES interrupt the compressor in the A/C unit, BUT, the fan continues running. The lathe runs fine, ALL the time.
Just looked at your original thread, your Central Machinery 9x20 lathe only has a 3/4hp motor.

This is 550Watts or in other words it draws about 4 Amps (550Watts divided by 120 Volts = 4.5 Amps)

Most 7x14-16 lathes have a 550W motor, ie basically the same current draw as your 9x20, there has to be another reason why your 9x20 is tripping your circuit breaker. You were after all using a 7x Mini Lathe on that circuit before.
Fred, thanks for the help. It does NOT trip the breaker. It DOES interrupt the compressor in the A/C unit, BUT, the fan continues running. The lathe runs fine, ALL the time.

That begs the question then why your 550W 7x mini lathe didn't do the same thing?
Just looked at your original thread, your Central Machinery 9x20 lathe only has a 3/4hp motor.

This is 550Watts or in other words it draws about 4 Amps (550Watts divided by 120 Volts = 4.5 Amps)

Most 7x14-16 lathes have a 550W motor, ie basically the same current draw as your 9x20, there has to be another reason why your 9x20 is tripping your circuit breaker. You were after all using a 7x Mini Lathe on that circuit before.
Fred, thanks for the help. It does NOT trip the breaker. It DOES interrupt the compressor in the A/C unit, BUT, the fan continues running. The lathe runs fine, ALL the time.

That begs the question then why your 550W 7x mini lathe didn't do the same thing?
Getting a new A/C this week. Maybe there, lies the problem. But I'm still going back to 7x16. I was more comfortable with the other lathe.
Chuck - is the 9 by 20 on 220 Volt --

Have seen several situation where the amps were overloaded on one one leg of the 220 volts and the other side was under utilize. That happens when there is a lot of 110 load on one side and not on the other.

The good electrician balances the amps -- and some are great at estimating how much should be where.
Bah...get rid of the A/C.

Easier said than done. With summer tempetures that will stay in the high 90s, 90+ percent humidity and it stays that way until midnight. Its no fun, and if your on blood thinners it impossible to take the heat.
Bah...get rid of the A/C.

That is not an option in southern Florida especially in July and August. Besides I think Chuck has earned a little comfort in his life. Guys like him are what taught me that turning can be fun again after it had become monotonous.

Gil I know you did not say this so it is not meant toward you or anyone else on here.
Many times over the years I have heard folks from the southwest make fun of the people in Florida when they complain about the 95 degree heat. They proceed to tell how it is 115 in the shade in AZ. Trust me when I say 95 degrees with 80% humidity is much more oppressive than 115 in the shade with 35% humidity. I have actually found that 110 in the Mojave for most of the month of August in an APC was easier than the high humidity of southern Florida.
Bah...get rid of the A/C.

That is not an option in southern Florida especially in July and August. Besides I think Chuck has earned a little comfort in his life. Guys like him are what taught me that turning can be fun again after it had become monotonous.

Gil I know you did not say this so it is not meant toward you or anyone else on here.
Many times over the years I have heard folks from the southwest make fun of the people in Florida when they complain about the 95 degree heat. They proceed to tell how it is 115 in the shade in AZ. Trust me when I say 95 degrees with 80% humidity is much more oppressive than 115 in the shade with 35% humidity. I have actually found that 110 in the Mojave for most of the month of August in an APC was easier than the high humidity of southern Florida.

Reminds me of an old John Fogerty song - 110 in the shade:biggrin:. I also agree with you 100%. Screw the Ohio Valley and this damn humidity, it's insanely humid today.
I'm sure Gil was having fun with me. But, the Mikes are right. Much of the reason my pen making has slowed down. At least until I get a new A/C. I'm not having much fun right now.:rolleyes:
Thanks Ken, the electrician added up all the amps I could possibly be using, and said there were plenty.

I read this as you have an airconditioning problem much more than an electrical service problem -- conolences because that will hit the cash flow.

If it is an air conditioning problem -- as least you will have a 9 by 20 when the temperature beomes bearable.

Hate that heat and humidity!!!!!
I'm sure Gil was having fun with me. But, the Mikes are right. Much of the reason my pen making has slowed down. At least until I get a new A/C. I'm not having much fun right now.:rolleyes:

Drink a few Margarita's and enjoy some beautiful sunsets with Susanne. Take a month or so off from turning and relax. Maybe work on a few Hotrods to make a little extra cash for the new AC. I'm betting you could cast some blanks when the sun goes down as well. I know you want to turn like a madman, but there's always the cooler months:wink:
Yeah I was kidding....funny what gets the responses rolling. :)

But in my defense I had just come inside after they made us do a fire drill at work and it was at least 105 outside...they never do the drills in the cooler months. And I was thinking how my shop is in the garage with no A/C. Sometimes I just change hobbies during the summer.

I actually have some very good experience at how humidity affects us. In a previous job I was tasked with helping test a panel going on a new submarine. We had to have one guy inside the test chamber simulating torpedo launches. We had to run tests every 3 hours with one guy inside the chamber and one person outside operating the simulation suitcases. This was a 24/7 test that ran for 15 days. At first we did our cold cycles and then on to the hot cycles. The hot cycles started at 122 degrees F with 5% humidity. I was running the suitcases outside the chamber and my co-worker inside the chamber after a few hours thought he had heatstroke and called 911. I had to have another person sent up from our company to replace him. But anyways we would go inside with bathing suits and at 5% humidity it wasn't too bad...we could easily stand in there for 15-20 minutes. Later in the testing we had to increase the humidity to 95% still at 122 degrees F. When you walked into the chamber you instantly almost chocked from the hot air hitting you're throat. We couldn't even last 5 minutes. We had to rig up a dryer hose to a hole in the chamber and blew cold air from the outside. So while we were operating the panel we would hold the dryer hose under our mouth and nose to breath. So I got to experience first hand the effects of humidity on the body.

And I grew up in VA....I always tell people I'll take 105 out here over 90+ in VA anyday.

So Dale hope you get you're A/C situation fixed.
Whatever the problem is - electrical? A/C compressor? excessive current draw to start up the lathe? - I'd think it's better to fix it and still have the 9x20 than to get rid of the 9x20 and not fix it.
I am feeling you w/ the heat. It is so dang humid I am sweating before I get in the shop, then it is uninsulated w/ no AC so I don't last long.

I wish I could take that lathe off your hands. Maybe someday.
:biggrin: More like a prize rooster :tongue:

Then you belong up a tree in Key West!

Sorry to hear about the lathe but great to hear about the AC running. Now If I could do the same with the car. Darn vent baffle keeps cycling from air to heat look for it's extreemes and will not stop. Either I got to change a climate control module or the darn door motor on the box behind the glove box and dash. It will be in the 90s all week if you want to come work on it. :tongue:
Great ideas Ernie, but I need to learn how to make pens :wink: I hate down time, but it's here.:redface:


Isn't this your first full fledged summer down there? You moved in late last year didn't you? I might be off.....
This will be our second summer

I couldn't remember if you got down there before the heat last year.....

Glad to hear you got the A/C working! Now go make some pens!....LOL!:tongue:
:biggrin: More like a prize rooster :tongue:

Then you belong up a tree in Key West!

Sorry to hear about the lathe but great to hear about the AC running. Now If I could do the same with the car. Darn vent baffle keeps cycling from air to heat look for it's extreemes and will not stop. Either I got to change a climate control module or the darn door motor on the box behind the glove box and dash. It will be in the 90s all week if you want to come work on it. :tongue:
No thanks! I'm good :biggrin::tongue:

Great ideas Ernie, but I need to learn how to make pens :wink: I hate down time, but it's here.:redface:


Isn't this your first full fledged summer down there? You moved in late last year didn't you? I might be off.....
This will be our second summer

I couldn't remember if you got down there before the heat last year.....

Glad to hear you got the A/C working! Now go make some pens!....LOL!:tongue:
Yeah, I still have to do some trimming inside and out, but it's working. BTW, I am also a year older. This year already seems to be worse than last.:redface:
:biggrin: More like a prize rooster :tongue:

Then you belong up a tree in Key West!

Sorry to hear about the lathe but great to hear about the AC running. Now If I could do the same with the car. Darn vent baffle keeps cycling from air to heat look for it's extreemes and will not stop. Either I got to change a climate control module or the darn door motor on the box behind the glove box and dash. It will be in the 90s all week if you want to come work on it. :tongue:

You need me to drive up and fix it for you Mike! I have a vague knowledge of how to twist wrenches :biggrin:.
:biggrin: More like a prize rooster :tongue:

Then you belong up a tree in Key West!

Sorry to hear about the lathe but great to hear about the AC running. Now If I could do the same with the car. Darn vent baffle keeps cycling from air to heat look for it's extreemes and will not stop. Either I got to change a climate control module or the darn door motor on the box behind the glove box and dash. It will be in the 90s all week if you want to come work on it. :tongue:

You need me to drive up and fix it for you Mike! I have a vague knowledge of how to twist wrenches :biggrin:.

Ernie - I am ready to put a screw driver through the thing in this heat. You get 4-5 seconds of cold blast then 8-10 of warm and hot. You can hear the darn vacuum swing the door back and forth. I am just not sure it it is the climate control module or the servo motor on the blast door. The blast door would require the glove box out and the dash dropped to access it, the other I do not know. Heck it could even be the temp sensor wherever that thing is. I need to hook it up to a computer evaluator that does hvac as the standard reader does not pull the numbers for these errors.
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