Mammoth ivory - slimline

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May 7, 2011
Moscow, Russia
There is nothing special in that pen, but it is real mammoth ivory. =)


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Yesterday I has met customer of pen (he ordered four pens more). I asked him about crasks. He said - no cracks appears on pen.
I think, it is because of ivory was seasoned (ivory carver sold me mammoth scrap).

And it is new pen from real mammoth ivory.




I chunk or two or Ivory would make me giddy. Are there any sources for Ivory here in the states?

Beautiful pen, by the way.
I know that mamoths lived in Alaska. Do there exist sources of mammoth ivory?

I found some mammoth ivory stores in US -,
And you can legally buy real elephant ivory. I cannot.

About Russian prices. Tusk pieces costs about 100-200 USD per kilogram (depends from condition). Bog ivory twice as much, ivory scrap cheaper (also, depends form size).

Do you remember my topic about scrap?

That costs me about 60 USD (1,5 kilos, average condition).

That heap about 130 USD (3 kilos, good condition).
Yes there are sources for mammoth ivory here in Alaska the going rate starts around 175 per pound for little beach washed pieces and flakes.........thing is there are several pounds of Ivory in the photo our Russian friend posted. There is no way I could get my hands on that much ivory for $190! Mammoth or walrus! I dont think I could get that much whale bone for $190 and I get it from one of the villages where the bone yards are. A hunk of vertebrae as big around as a coke can but not as tall runs 20 bucks plus.
Unfortunately mammoth and walrus Ivory can not even be transported through Canada, it has to be air mailed. Watched a gentleman drop $11k on mammoth ivory only to stuff it in a box for shipping last time I visited my source. Some guy from Montana looking for a tusk for his den.
What about shops I listed above? It it possible to buy ivory there?

Anyway, mammoth ivory is expensive in US. But pen must be more expensive!

The sources you listed do have Mammoth from time to time. And a really good selection of other ivory and bone. I have never dealt with them as I have my own source and being able to inspect the bone, antler, ivory first hand is the key to getting pen blanks vs a neat paper weight. What I have been seeing more and more of is ivory that has been powdered and cast or segments that are cast.

And yes Mammoth pens whether bone or antler do fetch a very nice price!
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