Pua Shell Party

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Dec 28, 2009
Little Rock, Arkansas
I've been making several pens for my daughter's wedding (under 2 weeks now:eek:).

I bought a few Pua Shell Blanks from Brooks803. I also bought a few bottle stoppers. But this blank really isn't a good candidate for bottle stoppers, so I cut them up & made sierras. Here's where I stand today.


The cool thing about this blank is that you can reverse paint the inside several different ways to get a completely different effect. Basically from left to right:

1. Reverse painted the blank with some gloss black swirls, then completely reverse painted with a metallic blue.

2. Reverse painted with gloss black.

3. Reverse painted with metallic emerald green. I actually darkened the color with a little black & added a touch of metallic blue.

4. Reverse painted with some metallic purple swirls, then completely reverse painted with a gloss black. I think it was a wast of time doing the purple. It didn't hurt, but it isn't noticeable. This one is awaiting a tube, so it isn't polished. I'm not sure if it will go into a click sierra, or just a regular sierra.

5. This is just the opposite of #1. It has some blue metallic swirls then painted with gloss black.

6. Reverse painted with metallic blue.

7. This is the same as #5.

8. My last piece of Pua Shell from 1 of the bottle stoppers.

EDIT: I should point out that 1,5 & 7 where made from pen blanks, not from the cut up bottle stoppers. They are clearer. I also made them a little thicker in the middle which I couldn't do from the ones made from the bottle stoppers. I think the extra material in the middle helps since these blanks really have a 3-D effect to them.

Here's a close up of the blank from #7 before assembly.

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Interesting, thanks for sharing the diferent tube preps! I like all the pens but I am partial to the ones painted black.
I forgot one very important step. The inside of the blanks "MUST" be sanded smooth. They don't need to be polished, just smoothed to get out any major drill marks. I made 2 sanding rods out of a 3/8 dowel, and covered them with 240 & 400. If I had it to do over again, I'd have done 180, 240, 360 & 400. I'd also use half the stick for 1 grit, and the other half for the next grit. You have to hold it in your hand anyway, so you might as well make it a little more versatile.

The 1st blank I made wasn't pretty:mad:. Since the blank is so clear, it shows everything.
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I just did a cast that is beautiful but mostly clear. Your post will help a lot when it comes time to turn it. Thanks very much!
Did you drill an undersized hole, expecting it to increase when you sanded, or drill the "recommended" size hole, knowing you'd enlarge it but expecting the thickness of paint to reduce it again? Asking because I have some very translucent blanks that are on my list to turn, and I'm sure I will need to go through a similar process.

I forgot one very important step. The inside of the blanks "MUST" be sanded smooth. They don't need to be polished, just smoothed to get out any drill marks. I made 2 sanding rods out of a 3/8 dowel, and covered them with 240 & 400. If I had it to do over again, I'd have done 180, 240, 360 & 400. I'd also use half the stick for 1 grit, and the other half for the next grit. You have to hold it in your hand anyway, so you might as well make it a little more versatile.

The 1st blank I made wasn't pretty:mad:. Since the blank is so clear, it shows everything.

Excellent looking pens, by the way! I'm sure the recipients at your daughter's wedding will love them!
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#7 looks great!!

White might look pretty cool too.
I thought of that too. But I painted a dowel in several section using different colors, and the light colors just kinda washed everything out. Maybe if I did some swirls in a couple of dark colors like blue & black then finished the reverse in white. But I'll leave that for the next person to try. I think I'm going back to wood for awhile. :)
Did you drill an undersized hole, expecting it to increase when you sanded, or drill the "recommended" size hole, knowing you'd enlarge it but expecting the thickness of paint to reduce it again? Asking because I have some very translucent blanks that are on my list to turn, and I'm sure I will need to go through a similar process.
I just drilled the recommended diameter. I don't think I removed enough when sanding to notice. Especially since I used 2 or 3 coats when I reverse painted. It was probably about a wash.
They all look amazing Bob! I'm personally drawn to #4. I like the flow of the white at the top as it fades to black. You got ALOT out of those stopper blanks. Not quite time for you to get back into wood, i wanna see how one of those FJ blanks looks!

Did you drill an undersized hole, expecting it to increase when you sanded, or drill the "recommended" size hole, knowing you'd enlarge it but expecting the thickness of paint to reduce it again? Asking because I have some very translucent blanks that are on my list to turn, and I'm sure I will need to go through a similar process.

John, It certainly wouldn't hurt. especially since I know the blanks you're referring to. I've done them without the sanding and they came out fine, but the ones I did sand looked better. I use the same steps Bob mentioned too. Ceramcoat paint has worked best for me.
Thanks for the mini-tutorial. I learned a lot about blank painting. Will put it to use in the future.
Thanks for all the kind words. I'm with Rick P. I like the ones reversed witrh black or mostly black the best. One thing I found out. even though I reversed with 2 coats, painted the tubes, and mixed black with the epoxy, I still got a few spots of brass showing. It's not big spots. Kinda looks like glitter in a few spots. And it has to be out in the sun or under really bright light to see it. I may have to check into powder coating my tubes.

Jonathon, the FJ blanks will be waiting for at least 2 weeks. I'm tired of looking at PR:hypnotized:. No offense:biggrin:.
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Thanks for all the kind words. I'm with Rick P. I like the ones reversed witrh black or mostly black the best. One thing I found out. even though I reversed with 2 coats, painted the tubes, and mixed black with the epoxy, I still got a few spots of brass showing. It's not big spots. Kinda looks like glitter in a few spots. And it has to be out in the sun or under really bright light to see it. I may have to check into powder coating my tubes.

Jonathon, the FJ blanks will be waiting for at least 2 weeks. I'm tired of looking at PR:hypnotized:. No offense:biggrin:.

Lol...none taken. I haven't turn any PR myself for a while now. Gonna make some time for my kitless project!
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