The wife done went and beat me to a decal pen!!!!

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Sep 15, 2010
Woodstock, Ga. U.S.A.

This one is made from cherrywood on a black enamel Slimline kit from Smitty's Pen Works. Becky dug around in the memories and remembered some rub-on decals for wood and other materials. She gave it a shot, and turned a killer pen. She was gonna go with the blue enamel, and talked herself out of it right as she went to the pen press. It got finished with 4 coats of thin CA, 4 coats Medium. Decal is raised, but not offensive. Feels like it's supposed to be that way.
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Allan, That is an awesome pen !! Congratulate her !! It's really nice when a spouse shares a hobby with you..:), Regards, Doc
Very nicely done. I like the shape of the tip in, it looks like it would make for comfortable writing. She did a good job on the decal too.
She is very happy to hear the feedback! I am also veryhappy with the new dimension we added to the arsenal. I should have a peen covered in frogs in the next 24 hours. I must say that Hobby Lobby left a LOT to be desired in the transfer dept. Nothing more manly than frogs. Frogs are kickass critters, but I was there for stuff like fire and skulls....
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