VS feature not working on Delta 46-460

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Jan 3, 2010
San Diego
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced any problems with their Delta lathe VS feature? Mine quit working so it's stuck on 1 speed,except if it's in the fastest pulley set,it will go from slow to fast........then stay there.So that seems weird.

I hate to have to haul it down to the local warranty station since I threw out my back,so in the case that it's something easy,I thought I'd ask here.

San Diego
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I was wondering if anyone else has experienced any problems with their Delta lathe VS feature? Mine quit working so it's stuck on 1 speed,except if it's in the fastest pulley set,it will go from slow to fast........then stay there.So that seems weird.

Steve; This lathe has an electronic speed control. The control is an electronic pot. The pot sends a control voltage to the controller. If either side of the pot decides to open, you will get either full speed or minimum speed depending on which it is. The controller electronics can also be at fault.

I would call the warranty service number and ask about possible solutions. If the lathe is under warranty, you don't want to void the warranty, but if you are handy with a soldering iron, this may be fixable.

The fastest pulley puts quite a load on the motor and it will take a few seconds to rev up to speed.

Thanks for the info.I'll have to bring it in looks like,since I don't want to void the five year warranty,as it's only 10 months old.

I wish they were open on Sat.,so it's going to have to wait a couple of weeks until I can do it.

I finally was able to get it down to the warranty service center,and they got it fixed with a new controller.......except it runs backwards.With it having reverse it worked ok turning with it in reverse.

If i end up having to sell it someday,it would be nice to have it right.Anybody know if it's just a matter of switching the wires around inside?

Can you just dismount and reverse the switch? That may be simpler than moving the wires around.

Never mind: I just looked at the parts diagram! <G>

Unplug the lathe before trying any of these three options.

It looks as though the switch, which is beneath an "actuator" and dust seal, which is beneath the top cover, which is beneath a slider (whew!) is aa DPDT rocker switch which snap-mounts into its hole. If you take everything off the top and out of the box, you can squeeze the locks on each end and push the switch up and out, rotate it 180 degrees, and snap it back into its hole.

If you can open the control box and reach the switch, you can swap the pair of wires at one end of the switch for the pair at the other end, but keep the front and rear wires of each pair to the front and rear as you move them. In other words, swap the right and left wire at the back, then the right and left wire at the front.

Third option, if the terminal block on the speed control is easier to access, you can switch the wire pairs there instead; just trace the four down from the switch.
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