Drill Worms - Continued

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Jun 13, 2017
Round Lake, Illinois
I really liked Todd's Post about using "drill worms" - basically recycling the scraps from drilling resin blanks. I was not sure exactly how to proceed, so I just got started, figuring if it did not work out, I will at least learn something,

I grabbed a handful of the drill worms from my sawdust catch bin under my lathe. I had no idea how many to use, or whether I should add dye to the resin, etc.

I did figure I should use vertical casting (thanks again to John Underhill for his casting system I won at last year's MPG. So I set up an empty tube poured clear resin about 2" deep, then started stuffing worms in, and pressing them down into the resin. I added more resin, then more worms. after I was at about 6" long, I decided to throw it in the pressure pot and see what happens.

When I took the blank out of the pressure pot, I was not impressed. Some of the worms had re-expanded after my initial compression, and I could see through the blank in spots. Perhaps a resin dye would be good for the next attempt.

Anyway, the blank (I wish I had taken a photo of it) looked interesting enough that I figured I would turn it and see what happens,

I cut the blank into two pieces and drilled for an old PSI "Power Pen" kit I bought years ago. I decided to paint the drilled holes with a light green acrylic paint, which, I think is what saved this project.

Anyway here are my first results. I am encouraged enough to try again, experimenting as I go.



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Todd in PA

Feb 16, 2021
Port Matilda, PA
Great job!

I poured my drill worms in a casting form, so not tube-in. You said vertical casting and I picture that as tube-in, but maybe not. I wanted the worms to go through the blank, and not just around the tube.

I colored the resin using mica powder. Quite a lot of it, actually. About a teaspoon per blank. I find that the blank looks opaque until you get it down to size and then there's hardly any mica showing.

Other than that, I did exactly as you did, painting the hole, etc. here is a picture of one of the others I haven't turned yet.



Jun 13, 2017
Round Lake, Illinois
Great job!

I poured my drill worms in a casting form, so not tube-in. You said vertical casting and I picture that as tube-in, but maybe not. I wanted the worms to go through the blank, and not just around the tube.

I colored the resin using mica powder. Quite a lot of it, actually. About a teaspoon per blank. I find that the blank looks opaque until you get it down to size and then there's hardly any mica showing.

Other than that, I did exactly as you did, painting the hole, etc. here is a picture of one of the others I haven't turned yet.

View attachment 347990
My vertical casting is just a 1" diameter tube with a plug in the bottom. I pour in resin, then stuff in the worms. I like the idea to add mica. I will do that on my next round. That would take care of any transparent spots. Thanks again Todd for the inspiration!
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