Can I get a wood id?

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Aug 12, 2021
I picked up this ~16" long 4x4" blank a while back. I can't seem to find the receipt, but I'm finally going to use it...and I am at a loss for what kind of wood it is. I thought I knew at one point, but now I just can't remember. Any chance any of you know what this is? Thank you!



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Aug 12, 2021
Thanks for all the responses... I think the pictures might be a bit misleading, as the wood is not very dark. Its a rather light brown, beige, and is not dark like walnut, even a lighter colored walnut.

FWIW, all the photos are the same two pieces of wood. So the top two are the same as the bottom, I guess the white balance changed in the bottom one since I had some of the bluer colored ironing board in the picture as well.

I remember the sales rep telling me what it was when I bought it, but I've forgotten what it was now (was over a year ago I think that I bought it.)


Member Liaison
Feb 6, 2005
Tunica, Mississippi,
It reminds me of sassafras heart wood. Many woods darken after a year or so if not painted.

Scroll down to the lumber and there are several different colors.

I'm not saying it is sassafras, but the grain pattern reminds me of it.


Aug 12, 2021
It reminds me of sassafras heart wood. Many woods darken after a year or so if not painted.

Scroll down to the lumber and there are several different colors.

I'm not saying it is sassafras, but the grain pattern reminds me of it.
Thanks, Hank.

Looks pretty close as well...

I'm honestly at a loss. I don't even know if I ever knew what it was, to be honest... Trying to think back, I am honestly not sure if the sales guy really knew, or was just taking a guess.

I guess its just going to be a mystery wood! :p Maybe that can be a selling point in the end. ;) Its going to turn into a couple of candle pedestals in the next day or so here...
Dec 22, 2017
Wolf Creek Montana
My first thought was Black Walnut but I wasn't sure. Back in my Petroleum days I worked with a lot of Walnut growers and many grafted Chamberlain (I think but could be way off base) to Black Walnut trees. Then I looked at a very small log I've got in my stash and thought English Walnut, but again, I'm not 100% sure. I definitely feel it's in the Walnut family but I'm not 100% convinced it is Walnut. But I have to disagree with @Ted iin Michigan I ate a butter nut the other night. But wait, it was a squash šŸ¤£. Now I'm all confused.


Aug 12, 2021
I turned one of the two halves of this round yesterday. I started to try and turn the pedestal candle holder I had planned, and it turned out there was a pretty large pith portion, and once I started turning into that, big chunks of the wood split off. So, I've changed my plans, and will have to figure something else to turn from these.

I did capture some photos of the rounded blank, and I'm certain its not walnut now. Its a lot lighter, and it seems to have a variety of colors, including a blueish gray and orange. The pattern of the darker veins in the grain, doesn't remind me of walnut either... I'm still at a loss. I think this was a piece of reclaimed wood, as IIRC the box I grabbed it out of was full of chunks of reclaimed wood (someone even bought some American Chestnut!! Nabbed it before I could! :p) Anyway, I think this wood is pretty old, its super dry and feels almost brittle, but, it actually turns pretty well (except around the pith).

A couple of photos:




Aug 12, 2021
My first thought was Black Walnut but I wasn't sure. Back in my Petroleum days I worked with a lot of Walnut growers and many grafted Chamberlain (I think but could be way off base) to Black Walnut trees. Then I looked at a very small log I've got in my stash and thought English Walnut, but again, I'm not 100% sure. I definitely feel it's in the Walnut family but I'm not 100% convinced it is Walnut. But I have to disagree with @Ted iin Michigan I ate a butter nut the other night. But wait, it was a squash šŸ¤£. Now I'm all confused.
I've been checking out english walnut blanks. The grain is more interesting than normal or black walnut. It still looks a lot darker than what I have here, but I've noticed that it sometimes does appear to have some orangish streaks in it. It may be because of the age of this blank, but I think there is a hardness difference here, too...this blank is moderately soft, while the english walnut blanks I have are pretty dense... Most of them are waxed, so maybe that is affecting my evaluation.

Really hoping someone knows what this wood is. It is actually really beautiful wood, the grain is amazing. I would love to get some more! I ended up turning down the part of the blank that I had partly turned into the pedestal candle holder, and am just making a couple of small tealight holders instead. The other part of this blank, I'm thinking of making into a box, or maybe small bowl, so I can get rid of the pith part. Amazing grain... The finished tealight holders darken, but the color seems to have been preserved pretty well (even the grayish colored streaks; sanding sealer + Acks sanding grit and finishing wax).


Aug 12, 2021
Going to give this a bump. I am really hoping someone knows what kind of wood this is, as I'm really interested in getting more. So far, I haven't been able to figure it out. It does, however, have a notably sized pith (3/8" to 1/2" in diameter, and its super soft and punky. I rarely come across a pith that large and problematic. In any case, some of the most beautiful grain...would love to know what this is.


Dec 24, 2017
I found this that looks a lot like your turned piece. The attached picture is European Walnut.


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Aug 12, 2021
Ok, finally figured out what this is. Was back at the local Woodcraft where I bought the original piece. They had a number of the same kind of turning blanks in stock. I asked the staff what the wood was, as it wasn't marked outside of a price. After examining a couple of the blanks and thinking about it, one of the guys said he was fairly sure it was Canarywood, but wasn't certain. We kept turning the blanks around, and he said the way the grain caught the light, made him think of Canarywood again.

We then compared the turning blanks to a couple of canarywood boards they had, and it was the closest match I've seen so far. I just got home a little while ago, and searched canarywood, and found this image:


This is definitely it! The orange and gray/blue streaks, are definitely evident in the piece of wood I have. I don't have the reddish colored streaks, but I do have the darker brown. My particular piece has some cathedral grain, which makes it look a bit different than the blanks they now have in stock, but its definitely the same stuff.

SO...Canarywood. I guess I'd never seen anything other than boards and bowl blanks, which are cut differently than turning blanks. But at least I know what it is now, and I can pick up more if I want. I will also say this...the pith in canarywood is really punky stuff!! The blank I have seems to have some cracking around the pith, which has made it hard to turn, as once the cracks are fully exposed, there is basically nothing holding that piece of wood to the blank, and chunks will just fly off. Anyway...finally identified. Hopefully this will help someone in the future.
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