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Apr 7, 2013
San Antonio, TX
-The Universal Contest Rules apply

Extravaganza - a literary or musical work marked by extreme freedom of style and structure and usually by elements of burlesque or parody.

2 : A lavish or spectacular show (of your pen)

3 : Something extravagant.

The rules have been written: See Above.

Your Slim Line Pen must meet one or all of the above descriptions, as Judged by our IAP Members.

Prizes and deadlines will be posted shortly.

First - $50 Gift Certificate from George Robutacion towards his Bits of Timber.
Second - Sierra Abalone blank from penlover/ Signature Pen Supply
Third - $25 gift certificate to T Shadow, from Magicbob
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Slimline Extravaganza Pen Contest

-The Universal Contest Rules apply

Extravaganza - a literary or musical work marked by extreme freedom of style and structure and usually by elements of burlesque or parody.

2 : A lavish or spectacular show (of your pen)

3 : Something extravagant.

The rules have been written: See Above.

Your Slim Line Pen must meet one or all of the above descriptions, as Judged by our IAP Members.


-Two photographs are required for entry. One photograph must be clip up, nib to the left. The second photograph must be clip up, nib to the right. This gives a view of both sides of the pen.

-Consider a photograph size of 800 x 600 as ideal. The contest chair reserves the right to resize photographs or slightly crop them to achieve a consistent image size.

-You may use a commercially available, clear plastic pen stand as a prop.

-You may use a small off-cut of your Slimline material blank as a prop.

-No other props are allowed.

-Use a single-colored, plain background. The color and intensity of the background affect the highlights of your pen. The background should let your pen stand out, not interfere with it.

-No montages, watermarks, or any other identifying marks that might reveal the identity of the maker.

To Enter

Submit your entry by email to: and include the following with your entry:

-Name, IAP Username, email address,
-the name of the project (Description)
-the two pictures required.

Do not post your entry in this thread

One entry per person

Please send a private message to HCPENS after you submit your entry to help ensure that your entry has been received.

Entries for SlimLine Extravaganza Contest will be accepted starting August 7, 2017, and ending August 25, 2017, at 11:59 p.m. Central.

Please post questions in this thread, by private message to HCPENS, or by email to I appreciate your patience as you wait for a response. I have limited forum access during business hours.

Get busy, good luck, and let us see your SlimLine Extravaganza pen.

Prizes to be announced
-The Universal Contest Rules apply

Extravaganza - a literary or musical work marked by extreme freedom of style and structure and usually by elements of burlesque or parody.

2 : A lavish or spectacular show (of your pen)

3 : Something extravagant.

The rules have been written: See Above.

Your Slim Line Pen must meet one or all of the above descriptions, as Judged by our IAP Members.

Having a bit of trouble getting my head around this one. Like make the blank out of Gold or Diamonds????

And take lavish pictures????
Cliff, sorry, I am not seeing what you are missing.

Maybe this will help, take a $5.00 pen kit make it look like a $5,000.00 pen with $XX.XX embellishments.

Your profile picture if it was a slimline would be an excellent example. Be creative in thought and design.

Call me 210-306-1220
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Cliff, sorry, I am not seeing what you are missing.

Maybe this will help, take a $5.00 pen kit make it look like a $5,000.00 pen with $XX.XX embellishments.

Call me 210-306-1220

These contests usually have stipulations like must at least use the transmission, must be actually able to write, etc.
OK, you must use a Slimline kit., or as long as it has a slimline kit components.

Pens, not pointer or a Pin :) usually can write, make functional and useful.

If you add to many rules, then it is no FUN!
But as I recall last year didn't have many entries.

Mid July to mid to say the third week in Aug are prime vacation time and maybe people are just not around.
Charles, so glad you are in it:bananen_smilies051:

Looking forward to seeing it,.

I guess I'm still in it but after casing and turning my pen not sure its my best work and not sure i want to enter something that wins by default if you know what I mean.

I'll kit it up and reevaluate its fabulousness. :)
2017 Summer Extravaganza -Slim Line Contest

Dead line approaching, so get the entries in:

Submit your entry by email to: and include the following with your entry:

-Name, IAP Username, email address,
-the name of the project (Description)
-the two pictures required.

Do not post your entry in this thread

One entry per person

Please send a private message to HCPENS after you submit your entry to help ensure that your entry has been received.

Entries for SlimLine Extravaganza Contest will be accepted starting August 7, 2017, and ending August 25, 2017, at 11:59 p.m. Central.
I didn't see in the rules when the the voting is going to start
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