Just Released - Bolt Action Resin Cast Pen Blank Honoring the 15th Amandment to the US Constitution

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Dec 27, 2006
Land O Lakes, Florida, USA.
The 15th Amanedment to the Constitution is the original voting rights amendment and the 3rd and final amendment to the reconstruction series of amendments after the Civil War.

This red, black and green version of the American flag is by artist Louis Cameron and features black stars on a green field with 13 alternating stripes of red and black.

The flags image has beeen passed through a canvas filter to give it an aged effect and the text of the 15th amendment is superimposed in white letters on the alternating black strips.

The text reads:
15th Amandment
"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

This is a label cast, tube on Alumilite pen blank for the popular Bolt Action™ pen kit with a 3/8" diamenter tube.

List Price is $12 - IAP Member exclusive introductory print $10 each plus $4 shipping
Mix-n-Match with any of our other pen blanks at this price - 5+ blanks and shipping in USA is free
15th Amendment Bolt Blank - Collage.jpg
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